There's no other way to interpret Taipei's decision to refuse an entry visa to Rebiya Kadeer.
...that's a decision for the individual, not for the government, to make --a choice made possible in a democracy.
選擇的自由在人民,不在政府. 這是任何民主國家賦予人民的
But the real risk is that caving to authoritarian bullying will weaken Taiwan's bargaining power vis-a-vis Beijing while betraying the democratic values Taiwan stands for.
之前我在msn的部落格轉貼WSJ的報導Taiwan Won't Allow Visit by Uighur Leader 提到台灣隨中國起舞硬是將熱比婭打入與恐怖份子有關的這種全世界只有中國接受的說法(原文:citing terrorist links that have been claimed by Beijing but not accepted by most Western countries or independent analysts),現在WSJ又更進一步指出,台灣政府這種粗鄙的說詞除了媚中外,別無其他解釋(There's no other way to interpret Taipei's decision to refuse an entry visa to Rebiya Kadeer). 此外,WSJ報導還駁斥內政部長與行政院長的那比婭與恐怖組織有關聯說是站不住腳的(These explanations don't add up. Taiwan doesn't explicitly categorize any Uighur group as a terrorist organization. Ms. Kadeer lives peacefully in Washington, D.C. and her organization)
原文轉載如下.付上我自己的翻譯(意譯,非逐字譯). 如有錯漏歡迎指正.
SEPTEMBER 28, 2009, 5:07 P.M. ET.
Rebiya Kadeer and Taipei
The Ma government missteps.
Taiwan president Ma Ying-jeou was elected last year largely to improve the island's economy through closer links with China. His government is misinterpreting that mandate to include closer ties with China's authoritarian politics, too.
There's no other way to interpret Taipei's decision to refuse an entry visa to Rebiya Kadeer. The Uighur activist was invited by a local rock star Wednesday to visit the island in December. The Ma government shut that idea down fast.
除了媚中外,沒有其他解釋馬政府拒絕熱比婭訪台的決定. 熱比婭是受到閃靈樂團的邀請,希望她於十二月拜訪台灣,但這已迅速被馬政府拒絕.
Interior minister Jiang Yi-huah told parliamentarians Friday that Ms. Kadeer's World Uighur Congress "is related to terrorist groups" and thus couldn't visit the island. Premier Wu Den-yih added Saturday the decision was "based on concerns for national security and public interest."
These explanations don't add up. Taiwan doesn't explicitly categorize any Uighur group as a terrorist organization. Ms. Kadeer lives peacefully in Washington, D.C. and her organization,which represents one of China's most oppressed minorities, has renounced violence. Other democracies, including Australia and Japan, have welcomed her to their shores without incident.
As for the claim that it's in "public interest" not to listen to Ms. Kadeer, surely that's a decision for the individual, not for the government, to make --a choice made possible in a democracy. Taiwan is home to a variety of pro- and anti-China groups, whose views are covered extensively in the island's lively media. Why not let Mrs. Kadeer present her evidence of China's campaign against the Uighurs and then let citizens decide what they think?
至於所謂的公共利益,要不要聽熱比婭的演講的選擇權操之在民眾,不在政府,這是任何一個民主政府賦予民眾的. 台灣是個多元的社會,親中與惡中的團體都存在,也都被媒體廣泛報導. 為什麼不讓熱比婭展示中國壓迫維吾爾族的證據,然後讓民眾自由選擇呢?
By refusing Ms. Kadeer a visa -- before she even applied, no less -- the Ma government looks like it is appeasing China. Shortly after Ms. Kadeer's trip was announced, Chinese state-run media threatened to pull Beijing's support for Taiwan's membership in the World Health Organization and to halt cross-Strait economic liberalization. Beijing raised a similar fuss when Taipei let the Dalai Lama visit the island earlier this month to comfort victims of Typhoon Morakot.
拒絕熱比婭,甚至在她提出申請之前就拒絕,只是顯示出馬政府媚中的作為.在熱比婭有訪台意願的消息一釋出,中國國營媒體馬上以北京將停止奧援台灣政府明年參與WHO(世衛)與暫停兩岸經貿交流為威脅. 北京在之前颱風過後達賴訪台也有類似的作法.
Mr. Ma may believe that he's doing Taiwan a favor by acceding to threats in the short term to gain more economic integration with China down the road. But the real risk is that caving to authoritarian bullying will weaken Taiwan's bargaining power vis-a-vis Beijing while betraying the democratic values Taiwan stands for.