Monday, August 19, 2024

(Legend 2024/加拿大國家公園) A national park trip that is unlike any national park at all: Rouge National Urban Park

Rouge National Urban Park, the only national park in Canada that is within the municipality, and not collecting parking fee nor entrance fee. Just like the national parks on the east coast in USA are not as comparable, same in Canada. We visited Point Pelee National Park last year; while we enjoyed it, don't hold a high expectation about the scenery you would find there. 

The three trails we walked this time are: Vistal Trail (Sentier Vista); Rouge Beach Day Use area (and the Rouge Marsh Trail); Bob Hunter Memorial Park (and Tanglewood Trailhead on 14 Ave after we made a wrong turn).

We tried to make the best and most out of the busy schedule by having food in Markham/Toronto while walking in nature to mitigate our sense of guilty of having much food. So I do appreciate there is a park within the driving distance. 

We tried to do new things this time and we did--walking in a park, trying not to overeat on a gastronomic trip, staying in a different hotel (and it is spacious; the Internet access is not great though) and trying food in different restaurants. A nice short trip. 

ps./ We also re-visited Stratford, the little cute town, en route to Markham. Our last time there was 2014, 10 years ago! 


(8/21/2024編輯) 通常暑假會到國家公園,今年暑假因為很多事情,除了回台灣,沒有安排其他旅行.其間抽空到已經去了很多次的多倫多.雖說是多倫多,其實是它外圍的Markham. 現在食量不比以前,去之前DG發現有個國家公園:Rouge National Urban Park,自然順道去走走

Rouge National Urban Park是加拿大唯一在都市的國家公園,而且不用停車費也免門票費.當然啦,這個特點也說明了不要期待有什麼大山大水,比較像是都市裡的一個公園綠地.不過因為地點,讓我們這次的多倫多美食之行有了消化美食的地方,吃起來比較沒有罪惡感,當然也是現在戰鬥力不比以前了.這公園也讓我們有了跟以往不同的多倫多經驗.

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