四月的時候因為看到一首現代詩(?)聯想到一首美國民歌: blowin' in the wind. 那時寫的草稿埋沒在MSN的草稿裡. 前兩天收到一封電子郵件又是在介紹這首歌,於是想到這篇. 現在把它寫完放上來.
再過幾天(五月24日)就生日的Bob Dylan, 是Blowin' in the Wind的創作者, Bob Dylan出生在明尼蘇達北邊的Duluth. 很多MN的早期住民都是移民,尤其是那些很冷的國家(北歐啊,前蘇聯啊等)移民過來的. Bob Dylan的祖父母也不例外. 他們原是前蘇聯移民到MN的猶太人. 到了1959年他搬到雙城市並成為明尼蘇達大學的學生.人們總是比較關注自己週遭或是與自己有關聯的消息, 也許如此當我看到文後所附的現代詩才會想到這首歌?
音韻相似也是讓我聯想到這首歌的原因之一. 我把讓感覺音韻相似的部份對照如下:
How many roads must a man walk down 一個男人得走過多少路 ?Before they call him a man 在他被稱為男子漢之前?
How many times must a man look up 一個人得仰望幾次 ?Before he can see the sky 才能看得見藍天?
另外一個有趣的巧合是現代詩描寫的"偉人"曾經在前蘇聯生活一段時間, 和Bob Dylan出身有關. 也許如此, 看到那首現代詩才會讓我聯想到這首歌?
不僅如此, 當時看到那首現代詩的過後幾天在紐約時報(NY Times)看到一篇很有趣的文章講的是莎士比亞的一些作品被懷疑根本不是莎翁本人所做. Blow in the Wind這首歌也曾經被不實指控是Bob Dylan剽竊一個高中生的作品. 不過後來證實這個指控根本是莫須有的.
這是美國民歌史上最重要的作品之一,原作者是被公認為民歌一代宗師的 Bob Dylan,不過第一個把它唱紅的卻是 Peter , Paul & Mary三重唱,並且在 1963年奪得全美排行的亞軍。
第二次世界大戰,使得所有參戰國都元氣大傷,美國也不例外。戰後的新生代由於不願重蹈父兄的覆轍,建立起了新的價值觀,對於上一代所喜愛的一切,幾乎全盤予以否定,甚至開創了全新的搖滾文化。1957年,越戰爆發,美國介入了這場戰爭,投入大量人力、物力,還派遣子弟兵遠渡重洋,前往越南戰場,造成了慘重的傷亡,因此美國社會掀起了一股反戰的熱潮。在這同時,民歌也開始在全美各地校園流行起來,許多知識青年不僅利用他們所創作的民歌發表抗議的聲音,更積極的加入示威的群眾運動。Bob Dylan在傳奇性的民歌宗師 Woody Guthrie啟迪下進入民歌界,很快的以獨特的風格在格林威治村以及各大校園受到注意。1962年四月,他以深具內涵的創作技巧譜出「Blowing in the Wind」的時候,才是個二十剛出頭的小夥子。這是他最早的「抗議歌曲」,對人們傳統觀念中「男子漢」的定義提出了質疑,希望世人能以和平而理性的態度來解決爭端,不要再對世間的不幸視而不見、聽而不聞,更不要再讓無辜的人們繼續喪生在戰火之中。
不過,儘管 Bob Dylan的創作內涵受到了肯定,他的歌喉卻實在不討喜,因此他早期的好些作品都是藉由其他藝人的歌聲才成名的,其中又以 Peter , Paul & Mary功勞最大,連續唱紅了好幾首他的作品。這支三重唱也是美國民歌史上最重要的團體之一,除了完美的和聲之外,三位團員積極參與各種抗議的群眾運動,數十年如一日,堅持的信念跟態度跟他們的歌聲一樣出名。他們成立於 1961年,「Blowing in the Wind」也是他們藉以成名的最重要作品之一。
Blowin' in the wind 飄在風中
How many roads must a man walk down 一個男人得走過多少路
Before they call him a man 在他被稱為男子漢之前
How many seas must a white dove sail 一隻白鴿得飛過多少座海洋
Before she sleeps in the sand 才能在沙灘上安睡
How many times must the cannon balls fly 加農砲還得發射多少次
Before they're forever banned 才會被永遠禁止
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 答案啊!朋友,就飄在風裡
The answer is blowing in the wind 答案飄在茫茫的風裡
How many years must a mountain exist 一座山能存在多久
Before it is washed to the sea 在它被沖刷入海之前
How many years can some people exist 人們究竟能存活多少年
Before they're allowed to be free 在他們獲得自由以前
How many times can a man turn his head 一個人能掉過頭去幾次
And pretend that he just doesn't see 假裝他視而不見
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 答案啊!朋友,飄在風裡
The answer is blowing in the wind 答案就飄在茫茫的風裡
How many times must a man look up 一個人得仰望幾次
Before he can see the sky 才能看得見藍天
How many ears must one man have 一個人得有多少雙耳朵
Before he can hear people cry 才能聽見人們的哭泣
How many deaths will it take 還得有多少人死亡
'Till he knows that too many people have died 他才能明白已有太多人喪生
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 答案啊!朋友,飄在風裡
The answer is blowing in the wind 答案就飄在茫茫的風裡
以下則是讓我聯想到這首歌的現代詩, 燈塔. 不知什麼原因我總覺得和Blowin' in the Wind 很相似啊? 有人和我想法一樣的嗎?
我卻看見你,一個平凡的生命, 走過最艱難的時光,挺立成永恆的燈塔。在俄羅斯古老的大地,你磨練自己, 像礦工,尋找中國未來的燃煤。
在贛南,你深入最貧困的家庭, 想建設公平幸福的人間。
在上海,你和特權戰鬥, 凸顯清廉正直的價值。
在舟山群島,你帶領軍民大撤退, 在戰火中,保存著最頑強的意志。
在中橫,你夜宿在寒冷的荒山, 用平凡的雙手,開鑿出連結勇氣與毅力的道路。
在全球石油危機的風暴中,你把風雨變成動力, 推動十大建設,創造經濟奇蹟。
在民主改革的道路上,你毅然改寫歷史, 讓自由成為台灣永恆的價值。
在兩岸長久的隔絕中,你開放探親, 讓親情重新連結,讓歷史走出更寬廣的道路。在每一個你曾走過的台灣鄉村, 在每一塊你建設過的土地上, 你不曾留下痕跡,唯一留下的, 是人們擁有了更好的生活。
我們會帶著你的智慧、愛心和勇氣,在風暴中成長 。
未來的孩子將會記得你平凡的背影, 你像夕陽,雖然西下,卻留下滿天金色的光芒。 980409
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
(轉載:自由之家)New Study: Global Press Freedom Declines in Every Region for First Time Israel, Italy and Hong Kong Lose Free Status
這對成龍來說應該是好消息吧! 香港首次從自由退到部份自由(Hong Kong slipped to Partly Free ), 而中國維持為最大的媒體自由壓迫者(remain the world's largest repressor of media freedom). 台灣的新聞自由倒退, 因政府壓迫故(Media in Taiwan faced assault and growing government pressure). 恭喜馬政府,不到一年壓迫媒體的努力就得到國際矚目,交出亮麗成績單!果然是有國際觀的人啊!
齊瑪曼 / Zimerman, Krystian

Photo: Krystian Zimerman in 2005. Credit: Kasslara. (source: LA Times)
照片中的齊瑪曼是誰? 齊瑪曼 / Zimerman, Krystian)是波瀾籍的鋼琴演奏家. 雖然有他的CD,波瀾的鋼琴家我有接觸的實在不多. 除了蕭邦(而且蕭邦的國籍其實是法國)之外, 就是之前的電影鋼琴師(Pianist).
最近他又和美國槓上了! 第一次是在911之後為他客製的鋼琴在他降落於紐約甘迺迪機場後立即被沒收.那鋼琴本來是他要在卡內基演奏廳演奏用。因為不滿布希的對外政策, 布希任內他不再踏上美國演奏. 他讓我想到前年過世的人權音樂家--羅斯托波維奇.
最近這一次是他用這種不尋常的方式來宣告這將是近年最後一次他在美國的演奏. 原因是他不滿美國在波瀾的飛彈部署, 這句"別染指我的國家"(“Get your hands off of my country,” )簡短卻清楚. 巧的是, 羅氏過世剛好是4/27, 和齊瑪曼在洛杉磯演奏時發表評論這件事情同一天.
看到這篇新聞, 心裡湧起兩個感概. 一個和台灣有關, 另一個和美國有關.
第一個是: 全世界對於飛彈指向自己國家的人不生氣,還心存感激的有馬先生, 可悲的是他竟然是這個被他國飛彈威脅受害國之領導人; 先後用會談, 用主權向中國乞得用Chinese Taipei之名得一年參予WHA之後, 似乎以為全國百姓都不知道這一年觀察員的資格如何取得, 還要向全國人民發表得意洋洋的演說,表示這是莫大的成就。頗有齊人之味: "卒之東郭墦間之祭者,乞其餘;不足,又顧而之他", "而良人未之知也,施施從外來,驕其妻妾。 "
第二個和美國有關的感概又有兩部份. 第一部份和歐巴馬的政策有關. 雖然歐巴馬說這個飛彈部署的目的, 但事實上和布希政府的政策有多少差別呢? 這個在去年十一月他當選後我在不開放的部落格寫了兩篇分別講我對經濟,社會與國際關係的想法, 就不多說了. 第二個是我對美國台下觀眾的敬佩. 不管是那些為他喝采者, 或是要他閉嘴者. 前者和他一樣,認為美國不該到處干預, 認同他的評論, 後者和他愛波瀾一樣--愛戴自己國家--美國.
我不知道這種事情如果發生在台灣, 台灣的觀眾會做何反應? 台灣的主辦單位又是做何反應? 大概會很不同吧? 不是台灣人的成龍(Jackie Chan)發表那種中國人, 不是台灣人,需要被管的言論都可以繼續當聽障代言人, 台北市也繼續挺這種自己下半身都管不住的戲子,還能期待什麼呢?
What led to Krystian Zimerman's surprising comments, walkouts
6:03 AM, April 28, 2009
Polish pianist Krystian Zimerman, who is widely admired for his virtuosic performances and who famously tours with his own custom-altered Steinway, created a furor at Disney Hall on Sunday night when he stopped his recital to announce that this would be his last American appearance -- in protest of the nation's military policies overseas.In a low voice that could not be heard throughout the auditorium, Zimerman, universally considered among the world's finest pianists, made reference to Guantanamo Bay and U.S. military policies toward Poland. "Get your hands off my country," he said.
Krystian Zimerman's shocking Disney Hall debut
12:24 AM, April 27, 2009
Poland's Krystian Zimerman, widely regarded as one of the finest pianists in the world, created a furor Sunday night in his debut at Walt Disney Concert Hall when he announced this would be his last performance in America because of the nation's military policies overseas.
Before playing the final work on his recital, Karol Szymanowski’s "Variations on a Polish Folk Theme," Zimerman sat silently at the piano for a moment, almost began to play, but then turned to the audience. In a quiet but angry voice that did not project well, he indicated that he could no longer play in a country whose military wants to control the whole world.
“Get your hands off of my country,” he said. He also made reference to the U.S. military detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
About 30 or 40 people in the audience walked out, some shouting obscenities. “Yes,” he answered, “some people when they hear the word military start marching.”
Others remained but booed or yelled for him to shut up and play the piano. But many more cheered. Zimerman responded by saying that America has far finer things to export than the military, and he thanked those who support democracy.
For the first half of the recital, Zimerman had played a Bach Partita and Beethoven’s last piano sonata, Opus 111, with firm determination. After intermission he made a last minute substitution, exchanging late Brahms works for a 1953 sonata by Polish composer Grazyna Bacewicz. The Szymanowski variations, which closed the program, was played with an astonishing ferocity that brought nothing but tumultuous cheers. There was no encore.
The pianist was not available after the concert for further comment.
Zimerman has had problems in the United States in recent years. He travels with his own Steinway piano, which he has altered himself. But shortly after 9/11, the instrument was confiscated at JFK Airport when he landed in New York to give a recital at Carnegie Hall. Thinking the glue smelled funny, the TSA decided to take no chances and destroyed the instrument. Since then he has shipped his pianos in parts, which he reassembles by hand after he lands. He also drives the truck himself when he carries his instrument from city to city over land, as he did after playing a recital in Berkeley on Friday.
MONDAY UPDATE: Review: Krystian Zimerman's controversial appearance at Disney Hall
TUESDAY UPDATE: What led to Krystian Zimerman's surprising comments, walkouts
-- Mark Swed
Photo: Krystian Zimerman in 2005. Credit: Kasslara.
英國衛報Guardian: In praise of ... Krystian Zimerman
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