Saturday, December 20, 2008

轉載: 孔傑榮的再次投書(updated on 1/14)

這是Taipei Times於12/17刊登的,距離第一次在11/13投書南華早報一個月有餘,這個把月期間又發生許多事情. 先貼原文出來如下. 有空再翻譯.另外,我也把第一次的原文連結附於文後.


Ma’s law professor confident about judiciary
MENTOR MUSINGS: Jerome Cohen met his former student yesterday and urged an independent commission investigate the recent detentions and police brutality By Jenny W. Hsu STAFF REPORTER Wednesday, Dec 17, 2008, Page 1

Taiwanese should be confident in their legal system’s political neutrality, but non-governmental organizations (NGOs) must be vigorous in holding the government accountable, Jerome Cohen, President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) Harvard law professor, said yesterday in Taipei.

Cohen, now a New York University law professor and a senior fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, expressed confidence that most of the prosecutors and judges in Taiwan are objective and neutral.

“Since the early 1990s, Taiwan, by and large, has developed neutrality of prosecutors and judges. I have met prosecutors, lawyers, law professors [on this visit] and I have a pretty good feeling about it,” he said.

In a Nov. 13 op-ed piece, “Ties that blind,” in the South China Morning Post, Cohen said some critics complained about the arrests and incommunicado detentions of former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government officials, including former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁).

He said the investigation into Chen’s financial dealings began in 2006 while he was in office and continued after he stepped down.

“For two-and-a-half years they have been investigating Chen. This is not something they just heard about. Now [the prosecutors] tell the court they need to lock him up to prevent him from talking to other people. But he has been talking to other people for two-and-a-half years,” Cohen said.

“Without knowing more, the face of it raises real questions,” he said.However, the majority of those in Taiwan’s judicial system strive to remain impartial, he said, urging the public to refrain from judging the system until the case is over.

Cohen met Ma yesterday and suggested an independent, impartial commission be set up to probe the legitimacy of the detentions and the reports of police brutality during last month’s protests against the visit of Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait Chairman Chen Yunlin (陳雲林).

Ma thought such a commission unnecessary because that would be the task of the Control Yuan, Cohen said.

"Sure, let’s give the Control Yuan a chance. But I want to see it act effectively. At the same time, a commission comprised of NGOs should also be set up [to probe the matter],” he said, naming the Judicial Reform Foundation as a perfect candidate for the commission.

More than 100 people, including police and protesters, were injured during last month’s protests.

Stating that some of the police violence was provoked by the protesters, Cohen chided DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) for not controlling her demonstrators.

“I understand the anxiety of the demonstrators because these are matters of the gravest importance to the Taiwanese people … but when you do demonstrate, the people under your leadership need to show discipline,” he said.

Critics of the Ma administration have said the violence represented an erosion of human rights and that the White Terror of the old KMT regime is returning, but Cohen dismissed those claims.

He said such rhetoric was “hyperbole” and “sheer accumulated hatred.”

“I come from a background of lifelong study of mainland China and the situation here is really good. I know something about the White Terror and the 228 Incident and this is no return to the White Terror,” he said.

Cohen also agreed with Ma that now was not the right time for the Dalai Lama to visit Taiwan, saying the political cost of such a visit on cross-strait relations would far exceed its benefit.

"It is a tough call, but I understand what is at stake here. We are at a very tentative crucial stage of possible limited reconciliation with the mainland and progress will be very slow from now on. I don’t see a reason to rush the Dalai Lama to come here because people already know him and his position. It would be nice, but I think too much is at stake here,” he said.



2) Cohen的第一次投書原文: Ties that Blind: Improved cross-strait relations appear to have come at a cost to some civil liberties in Taiwan” by Jerome A. Cohen, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Asia Studies, November 13, 2008 South China Morning Post

中譯: 迷失的聯繫:改善兩岸關係顯然已犧牲台灣的公民自由 ■孔傑榮投書(雲程譯)


又, 關於孔的第一次投書,中時有翻譯(中時的連結失效了,因此只好引用影子政府的),但其中不乏有不實翻譯之處,不知是刻意或是無心? 這個錯誤的翻譯是:

"It is not clear whether critics' claims of "selective prosecution" are well founded. Recent arrests may simply reflect massive corruption by the DPP, which dominated executive government for the past eight years - corruption that allegedly reached as high as former president Chen Shui-bian and his family.



3) 哪一個孔傑榮說的才可信呢?香港南華早報的?還是中央社的?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


其實很早之前我就看過邱毅光頭的樣子, 早在我還在台大唸書的時候. 當然那背後是有故事的,不過就不多說了.

我雖然一向不大喜歡禿頭的老男人, 但是我也知道他非常在意自己的禿頭. 所以即使我也不喜歡他問政的方式, 我還是為了自己口德不加宣傳. 還好我人不在台灣, 看到他的機會幾乎是零. 否則....

話說那畫面很深刻, 深刻到每次看到邱毅時腦海就浮現出他禿頭的樣子. 有次我還住在信義路時, 我因為習慣不好,常常抱著書在電視機前面看. 有一次室友之一Y因為看到我在看書,以為我沒在看電視就轉檯了. 正當我要跟他說我其實也在看電視時, 一眼瞄到電視就笑出來了. 因為當時的畫面正是他. 室友Y問我笑什麼? 我把當時唸書時的故事告訴她, 說道: 從此以後我看到他眼前就會浮現他當初的樣子, 因此沒辦法聽他講什麼. 這是另一種因人廢言的可能性. 講完我們兩人同時大笑.

今天這則新聞, 看到之後狂笑不已 那多年前親眼目睹的光頭形象又再次被加深.

突然想到國王理髮師埋在土裡說出國王有驢子的耳朵的故事. 雖然邱毅不是國王,他沒有驢耳朵,而我也不是理髮師,之前也沒有到處宣傳.不過這下子全民都知道了啊.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

[轉載] IFJ: Government Interference, Puts Strain on Taiwan Public Media 政府干預, 對公視施壓

這是繼上次政府對中央社出手干預新聞自由後又一個箝制新聞自由的動作. 這次的對象是公視, IFJ對此發表的新聞稿. 翻譯已補於下(午睡起來翻的, 腦筋不清醒, 翻錯請各位提出指正,謝謝).

至於中文報導,可以參考: 公視抗議藍委干涉新聞自由

這裡是公視的聲明稿: 財團法人公共電視文化事業基金會聲明. 其中提到


Government Interference Puts Strain on Taiwan Public Media (12/11)

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) holds grave concerns for the status of independent public media in Taiwan after the country’s legislature announced increased control of funds, news reporting and programming of the national public television network.


According to media reports, on December 9 the Educational and Cultural Affairs Committee and the Interior Affairs Committee of the Legislative Yuan approved resolutions proposed by the ruling Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) to enforce strict regulations on the operation and programming of the Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS). The service includes Hakka Television, Indigenous Television and the China Television Service.

根據媒體報導指出,十二月九日立法院 教育文化委員會與內政委員會通過國民黨團提案的審核公共電視的預算動支情形,以進一步審核其營運與節目策劃.公共電視提供的服務包含客家電視台,原住民電視台語與華視.

The move comes one year after the legislature froze NT$450 million (about US$14 million) in funding for all programs under the auspices of the Public Service Television Foundation. The freeze affects half of the PTS annual budget.

去年立法院凍結公視九十七年度4.5億的預算(約美金一千四百萬). 此舉影響一半之公視年度預算.

In a statement on December 10, PTS said the new regulations, under which four of its channels could only disburse programming and production budgets after ”item-by-item government approval”, were “unjustified interference in our independence”.

十二月十日公視發表聲明表示, 新的立法院決議明白要求公視下的四個電視台每一筆錢的使用都要經過新聞局核准,所有的節目都要送審(見公視的聲明裡之「要求各台於執行明年度預算時須逐項報請主管機關核可同意始能動支,更明文要求原住民族委員會、客家委員會、僑務委員會等機關要對所主管之電視台執行節目製播、審核、監督之責。」), 此過度之干預將「嚴重侵害媒體獨立自主之精神」(這裡我直接引用公視的聲明,也就是我是意譯而不是逐字譯).

It had sought but failed to gain a clear explanation from government bodies of the rationale for the freeze.


“The Taiwan Government’s efforts to exert strict controls on public television is a significant setback for Taiwan’s media profession, whose ability to provide independent information and commentary to the general public is increasingly restricted,” IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said.

「台灣政府試圖更嚴格控制公視的行徑已經嚴重傷害台灣媒體之專業, 台灣媒體得以獨立對大眾傳播意見的能力已經大幅被限縮」, 國際記者協會執行長Jacqueline Park表示.

“Journalism conducted in the spirit of public service is one of the pillars of democratic freedom. Heavy regulation of public media will undermine the right to freedom of expression of Taiwan, and thus the country’s democracy.”

「新聞以公共服務的方式呈現是民主自由的支柱之一. 過度規範公共媒體將迫害表達的自由與台灣的民主」

The IFJ calls for an independent review of the resolutions passed by Taiwan’s legislature and an investigation into the reasons for blocking funding to PTS.

國際記者協會要求獨立審查立法院的決議, 並調查凍結公視預算的原因.

For further information contact IFJ Asia-Pacific on +612 9333 0919
The IFJ represents over 600,000 journalists in 120 countries worldwide

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


這篇其實寫好一陣子了. 只不過這種心情大概要持續一陣子,就一直沒公開. 最近被說太多產而且太嚴肅, 放上來讓大家笑笑好了.


這則漫畫雖好, 不過之前我已經用A版懷孕期間最討厭聽到的問話來形容寫論文時候的心情, 而懷孕又是愛情的結晶, 所以應該沿用那個類比才是. 加上之前硬碟壞掉,部分文件沒有最新版本的備分, 當時心情可真的是很啊.........因此想到另外一張圖.

不過引用這張圖之前要先介紹一下數學上或說是邏輯上的一個原則: if A=B, B=C, then A=C (這叫做寓教於樂?)

例如: 人生如夢,夢如煙,煙如屁--> 人生如屁.

套用此, 先將寫論文比喻做與論文談戀愛, 再將愛情比喻做屎. 也就是說--


改來改去每一版本都一樣又都不大一樣 (因為只是重新包裝嘛);
有時努力很久卻只是個屁! (事實上就算寫完了大部分時候也是被他人當作屁啊!)

報告完畢, 我要回去繼續"蹲廁所" 了. 還好這種廁所一人一個,不會有佔著毛坑不拉屎的問題啊!

Monday, December 8, 2008

白樂崎教英文, what does it mean by "We have every expectation that...."?

台灣媒體真有趣, 簡直就是"大家來找渣"的資料庫嘛! 先是東X媒體講英文名字讓我看不下去, 現在還鬧到要白樂崎出來教英文.



"This is a matter for Taiwan's legal system to resolve. We are confident in Taiwan's democracy and its legal system. We have every expectation that the process will be transparent, fair and impartial.   

中時駐美記者劉屏還特地撰寫文章,教導國內民眾好好認識英文「we have every expectation」這句的用法。他說: 原文裡的 We have every expectation that...." 正確解讀是美國相信台灣司法, 她的用詞是這樣的:





美國一些學者二度投書,此次直接給王清峰. 標題是: Eroding justice: Open letter No. 2 Tuesday, Dec 02, 2008, Page 8 (侵蝕中的司法, 第二封公開信)

The Honorable Wang Ching-feng,Minister of Justice,Taipei, TaiwanDear Minister Wang [王清峰],

裡面提到‘Under the present circumstances it is hard to see how the persons involved ... can have a fair trial in Taiwan.’ (在現況下, 很難相信會有公平的審判)


Lastly, a statement by the US State Department is interpreted in your letter as an “endorsement” of Taiwan’s legal system and the procedures followed. It should be noted that in international diplomatic language, the term “we have every expectation” means “we are concerned and we will watch the situation closely.”

之前的美國的聲明被你們(指王清峰等)解讀成替台灣司法系統背書. 請注意, 在國際外交辭令中,「we have every expectation」這句話的用法意思是:「我們很關心/憂慮這件事,未來我們會持續密切注意後續發展」(部分採用MJ的翻譯). 白話點講是, 因為擔憂,但不便直說,而婉轉的說是期望台灣司法能夠秉公處理,不偏頗.卻被有人白目的講成是相信.

也就是說, 美國擔憂陳水扁案已經政治化, 而不是之前如劉屏或是馬或是藍媒宣稱的"美國相信台灣司法."

這位劉屏是誰呢? 讓我幫各位提醒一下, 他就是當初台灣大選公投案的結果時, 宣稱 “從紐約到洛杉磯的媒體報導分析”咸“認為台灣人民並不絕得此次的公投是神聖的,不被假議題操控”,結果在鐵雪閱讀的10家媒體, 12則報導根本找不到任何一則作如此報導(哪來的從紐約到洛杉磯?!)!

pay back in the same coin. 這位劉屏, 現在用你自己的話送回給你--


也順便把以下送給王部長, 常常要落英文的馬與號稱最有國際觀的劉內閣全體,


王清峰:馬總統以身作則 司法獨立現契機 (這不是法務部對美國的回函,不過是在討論同樣話題)
中廣的馬屁外電解讀 (另一篇絕妙搞笑新聞)



 然而,麥考馬克使用「have every expectation」一辭,被極少數人士誤解(或曲解)為「希望」、「期望」,這些人因此說麥、楊說法並無不同。上周五,民進籍立委蔡同榮和陳瑩在華府的記者會上,就有人提出這個論調。

 不過,當場有人舉出辭典上的例句:They have every expectation of success =they believe they will succeed(可參考。


這個辭典有這麼一句:「ASSURANCE 。
Assurance是什麼意思?當年雷根總統對台「六項『保證』」,就是這個字。 語言很有趣,魚在水中,狗在陸上,可是「魚狗」卻到了空中-翠鳥。Cut a tooth,不是拔牙,而是長牙;pull one’s leg,非但不是扯後腿,反倒是祝福之意。


 We believe it needs to be transparent, fair and impartial. Assuming that it is conducted in that manner, it can strengthen the confidence, both here and around the world, in your democracy.

 This is a matter for Taiwan's legal system to resolve. We are confident in Taiwan's democracy and its legal system. We have every expectation that the process will be transparent, fair and impartial. 

Saturday, December 6, 2008

轉載: 亞洲國家人權協會 譴責馬侵害台灣人權

又一個人權組織發文. 目前為止已經集滿5枚印花, 還不含IFJ要求台灣警方停止對記者"勒索"照片等各種資訊的新聞槁(中譯在此) 與對台灣司法與媒體自由憂心的各種聲明等等. 到底要集滿幾枚國際丟臉證據才能換贈品啊? 贈品可以選嗎? 想到的贈品有警政署長下台, 財經官員改組, 司法部長下台, 或是現在的內閣全部換腦好了. 到底哪種贈品比較好呢?

抗議馬政府侵害人權 1207巴黎台灣人全球接力
今年十二月七日,時值世界人權日六十週年前夕,總部於巴黎的亞洲國家人權協會(FPADH) 將於「國際人權宣言六十周年集會」中,強力譴責近日台灣民主倒退狀況。本次人權活動裡,也是法國亞洲國家人權協會(FPADH)成員之一的「台灣人俱樂部」(Club des taiwanais),將以「抗議台灣人權遭受侵害 1207巴黎台灣人全球接力譴責馬政府」為主題發表演說,譴責馬政府上台以來種種侵害人權的專斷舉措,因此,「台灣人俱樂部」不僅僅要抗議台灣近日的國家暴力、司法不公、集會遊行的縮限,更要在國際場合向外界說明:台灣如何在國共和談的假象下,成為人權輸入國。本次活動裡,「台灣人俱樂部」將有來自歐陸其他國家的留學生一同參與,並將聲援國內正在進行的野草莓學運,並串聯與美國、日本及法國等國之人權組織,讓馬政府聽見台灣人與全球人權運動者憤怒的聲音,給台灣人權一個正面回應,讓馬政府停止國家暴力,終止行政濫權,維護台灣人權尊嚴!

-  「抗議台灣人權遭受侵害 1207巴黎台灣人全球接力譴責馬政府」著因自今年五月馬英九政府執政後,親中的馬政府配合中國政府用力凝造一個中國的假象,視台灣主權於無物,並以國家暴力侵犯人身自由、言論自由,激起台灣廣大的民意反感與批判,但馬政府卻以更高壓的手段迫害批評者。十二月中國國台辦官員陳雲林來台,抗議陳雲林之集會民眾、民意代表及大學教授們,屢屢在集會中被警察強行帶走或毆打,學運電台被警方抄台、學運成員在公車上被警察恐嚇無法畢業,這些"太超過" 之人權侵害舉動,讓巴黎的台灣留學生與僑胞忍無可忍,以「台灣人俱樂部」為代表,嚴厲譴責馬政府執政缺失,造成台灣人權與主權都變不見!

- 馬政府下令警方公然剝奪台灣民眾的集會自由已迄滿一個月,卻完全沒有道歉負責的跡象,讓自由民主的台灣國家形象,受到嚴重侵害,對廣大民眾與野草莓學生呼籲的人權問題視若無睹,更荒謬地繼續鉗制言論自由以及在司法上大量地選擇性辦案。在此,主要成員為留法學生的「台灣人俱樂部」,將和FPADH(法國亞洲國家人權協會總會)所有成員,共同在巴黎呼籲正視台灣人權問題!

- 12月7號,世界人權宣言屆滿六十周年前夕,主要成員為留學生的巴黎「台灣人俱樂部」將在凜冽寒冬中為陷入寒困艱境的台灣人權走上街頭。台灣自兩千年總統大選首次政黨輪替後,原本表現優異之平靜革命的民主自由國家形象,在馬政府執政半年後全盤皆毀!一向聲援其他亞洲國家人權的台灣,現在卻又走回頭路-「戒嚴傳統,重新感受」,自此從人權輸出國變為人權輸入國,接受來自亞洲其他國家的人權聲援,重蹈覆轍令人痛心不已!因此「台灣人俱樂部」將於巴黎人權廣場(Trocadéro),聲援野草莓學運,並和世界各國為人權的奮鬥的團體,在十二月七號進行跨國台灣人權運動大接力!

- 亞洲國家人權協會全名為La Fédération Des Pays Asiatiques Pour Les Droits de l'Homme (FPADH),乃由亞裔人權鬥士所組成的跨族裔聯合會,為目前法國觀察亞洲人權狀況最有聲望的組織,承辦過例如抗議中國奧運火炬在巴黎傳遞等數萬人遊行集會。此次,聲援「台灣人俱樂部」抗議活動的有:圖博社區、緬甸社區、東土耳其斯坦社區、越南社區與中國民主黨等人權組織。

法文原文: Alerte aux droits de l'homme à Taiwan

Différents incidents à Taiwan ont suscité la réaction de nombreuses organisations internationales des droits de l’homme (lien1, lien2, lien3, lien4, lien5...). Cette crise sur la régression des droits de l’homme est liée à l’expansion du pouvoir politique de la Chine. (à tout lire: lien)

Depuis la révolte contre l’armée de Chiang Kai-shek en 1947, les taïwanais n’ont jamais cessé de lutter contre le gouvernement dictateur, pour affirmer leurs droits. Dans les années 90, Taiwan est devenu un pays démocratique et, après un demi siècle, les taïwanais ont enfin vu leurs votes changer le parti au pouvoir. Malheureusement, depuis mai dernier, le successeur du dictateur Chiang Kai-shek, Ma Ying-jeou, a repris le pouvoir. Sa politique prochinoise a conduit à une régression rapide des droits de l’homme à Taïwan. Aujourd’hui, nous voulons révéler ici son complot destiné à limiter les droits civils dans le but de rétablir un pouvoir dictatorial à l’aide de la Chine.

Premièrement, Ma Ying-jeou a commencé à placer en rétention les membres de l’opposition et à les poursuivre, en faisant fi de la procédure de justice et du principe de proportionnalité. Son directeur de recherche à l’Université de Harvard a publié un article (lien) pour critiquer son mépris de la loi ; différentes organisations des droits de l’homme l’ont ajouté à leur liste rouge pour utilisation de la justice comme outil d’élimination de ses opposants. Une lettre ouverte (lien) écrite par 24 chercheurs internationaux, ainsi que le magazine Défense News (lien) ont critiqué l’arrestation des membres de l’opposition hors de tout processus judicaire.

De plus, la Chine n’a jamais cessé de menacer Taiwan par des pressions militaires ou diplomatiques. Avec ses idéologies prochinoises, Ma Ying-jeou a baissé volontairement le niveau de défense de Taiwan et diminué les efforts diplomatiques afin de plaire à la Chine. Pire, quand le lait toxique chinois effrayait le monde entier, Ma Ying-jeou a soutenu les chinois en cachant aux taïwanais la dangerosité de ce lait, et a même invité un haut parlementaire chinois, Chen Yun-lin pour une visite à Taiwan tout en dissimulant son rang de président de la république taïwanaise. Par contre, bien que le Dalai Lama est déjà venu à Taiwan deux fois sans aucuns problèmes, Ma Ying-jeou lui interdit désormais d'y visiter.

La visite de Chen a suscité de forts doutes et de nombreuses réactions chez les taïwanais. (lien) Pour démontrer son pouvoir politique à la Chine, le gouvernement de Ma Ying-jeou a pris des mesures ridicules, violé les droits de l’homme, et bafoué les valeurs démocratiques (lien).

Fédération internationale des droits de l'homme, située à Paris, a écrit ouvertement à Ma Ying-jeou. Il est dit dans cette lettre (lien) : “ Les autorités ont employé des mesures drastiques, notamment : confisquer et abimer des propriétés privées, harceler et agresser des personnes entrées dans une zone vaguement définie, vider par la force les voies d’une autoroute, contrôler et arrêter les gens sans raison justifiée, et limiter aux citoyens le droit de manifester …Toutes ces actions ont été réalisées pendant la visite de M Chen, au nom de la sécurité. Nous pensons toutefois que tout cela a été fait dans le but de supprimer le droit d’expression des citoyens, et non pour des raisons de sécurité. Notre organisation est donc sérieusement préoccupée par cette alerte de dégradation des droits de l’homme à Taiwan, et la considère comme un signal de recul du niveau de la démocratie et des droits de l’homme, sur lesquels Taiwan doit se baser ‘’ .

A l’arrivée du haut parlementaire chinois, des personnes qui montraient leur drapeau national (lien) et le drapeau tibétain ont été battus par la police qui a confisqué les drapeaux. Des tibétains exilés à Taiwan ont été menacés par la police qui leur a dit qu’ils risquaient de la prison à vie s’ils osaient manifester. Autre scène plus violente encore : des manifestants pacifiques se tenant main dans la main pour séparer la police des manifestants ont été chassés par la police et battus (vidéo).

Tout cela a généré beaucoup de critiques, mais Ma Ying-jeou a employé des mesures encore plus répressives sur les gens qui critiquaient. Quand les étudiants de l’université ont fait un sit-in pour demander que les fonctionnaires qui étaient en tort soient punis (lien) , Ma Ying-jeou a répondu par la promotion du chef de la police qui a violé les droits de l’homme. Pendant le sit-in, un professeur de l’université a été battu, les radios qui donnaient des nouvelles de ce mouvement social ont été coupées, les étudiants ont été menacés de ne jamais obtenir leur diplôme. Le site Yahoo, qui est depuis longtemps soumis au pouvoir chinois, a fermé rapidement un blog qui critiquait la police.

Pendant les JO, la mairie de Paris a annoncé : "Paris défend les droits de l'Homme partout dans le monde". Nous espérons que tous ceux qui veulent soutenir les droits de l’homme à Taiwan emploieront tous les moyens possibles pour mettre la pression sur Ma Ying-jeou, et pour soutenir les taïwanais qui luttent contre la violence gouvernementale. Les droits de l’homme sont au-dessus de tout. Le masque de la soit disant négociation pacifique entre Taiwan et la Chine ne doit pas cacher le fait que les droits de l’homme à Taiwan sont en réel danger.
modifiée le 04/12/08
相關新聞: 亞洲國家人權協會 譴責馬侵害台灣人權


如果把現今的"無罪推定"原則(innocent unitl proven guilty)改成香港與少數國家的"除非證明無罪,否則就是有罪",在其他條件不變的情形下, 每年因此付出的國賠一年就可以高達7億.比花了4~8年才能夠貪污七億還多很多.更何況還沒定讞,有沒有貪污還很難說. 更何況這還是完全就機率統計上來講而已, 萬一司法人員有心扭曲,國賠的代價會更多. (以現在政府辦案心態,其實也經是改成假設有罪了....應該來關注一下未來四年的冤獄賠償)

夏蟬不可與冰, 冬蟖豈可言暑
2000年時我在新加坡.某次談到與中國談判的問題. 我說,遲早台灣問題與西藏問題是不可分開談的, 兩者互相牽連. 當時在座兩位朋友直說我莫名其妙. 這兩者不可能有關聯.

一路走來始終如一 vs. 見風轉舵
時被馬的作為困惑. 一下子在今年七月對德國媒體說隨時歡迎達賴喇嘛來台訪問(這裡有原文中譯), 現在卻又拒絕. 看起來好像是見風轉舵. 其實是始終如一: 矮化台灣始終如一, 醜化台灣始終如一,媚中始終如一.
對中國矮化台灣主權,對美國亦然, 連K黨立委自己都看得出來>>>
駐美武官 悄悄降編秘書

2008.12.07 02:50 am
駐美軍事代表團組織大調整,象徵我主權的駐外「武官」(military attache),上個月被降編為「秘書」(secretary),維持近百年的武官編制已走入歷史。此一決策異常低調神秘,不但三軍司令部均不知情,就連國防部副部長張良任,都是日前赴美訪問時才發現。


朝三暮四 vs. 朝四暮三
早先的退稅(新加坡退稅其實是先多收,然後再退稅.) 到台灣吵退稅, 到現在堅持要發消費券, 都是類似的.
有人還以為退稅或是發消費卷是救經濟的德政, 這和經濟學原理裡常講的猴子例子一樣, 朝三暮四 vs. 朝四暮三, 這些人跟猴子比起來,真的沒有比較高明啊!

Blind, Blame the Ditch
至於我在影射哪些人不會開船, 就不多講了

朋友的公司2年前"犒賞"朋友一輛美金6萬多的車子. 我那時候聽到大不以為然(詳情不多說),因為錢不花在刀口上的公司,景氣差的話一定倒大霉. 果不然上月起公司連辦公室都不租了,要員工自己在家上班就好,下一步何時到就很難講了.

最近的美國汽車Big 3也是如此. 要靠政府救濟時候才一付懺悔樣, 之前做了那麼多錯誤決策, 有今日下場也不奇怪. 重點是沒有真正悔改,只是裝模作樣的話,bailout只是延緩判刑罷了,並不會從根本解決問題.

郵政儲金轉注銀行, 會不會引發另一個道德危險?

今天看到這篇才知道原來我講的觀念是所謂的Hedonic adjustment.



Friday, December 5, 2008

轉載: 國際特赦組織 籲台灣警察勿濫用暴力

December 06

國際特赦組織 籲台灣警察勿濫用暴力 繼加拿大人權組織, Freedom House 與 International Federation Human Rights之後, 現在是國際特赦組織發表公開聲明,籲請台灣警方不要濫用暴力.

被國際各人權組織看笑話之外,台灣還拒絕全球最受歡迎的宗教領袖與象徵西藏人權精神導師的達賴喇嘛來台訪問, 並受到國際媒體(美聯社AP)的批評:Taiwan president nixes Dalai Lama visit. (中譯見此) ,認為馬為了討好敵國中國而葬送台灣的形象. 關於這個話題, Time雜誌有偏蠻好的討論,這裡是部分中文翻譯. 對於MJ文末說的誰來送一些維骨力, 我倒是認為, 不必多此一舉,因為馬向來以他的軟實力為豪啊!

台灣政府果然最有國際觀! 丟臉都是國際級的, 佩服佩服!

自由時報: 國際特赦組織 籲台灣警察勿濫用暴力





[以下刪除] 簡單講,警察死不認錯就是了. 也難怪啊! 暴力警察都被升官,哪會認錯呢?----------------

台灣:警察應避免過度使用暴力AI Index: ASA 38/001/20082008年12月3日












AI Index No: ASA 38/001/2008
3 December 2008
Taiwan: Police should avoid using excessive force at upcoming protests
Amnesty International has urged Taiwan's police force to comply with international guidelines on the use of force and crowd control at the planned student protests on Sunday 7 December.
The organization also joins calls for the Control Yuan, the body mandated by the Taiwan Constitution with supervisory power over the Executive branch, to conduct an independent inquiry into alleged excessive police force during November's protests.

The Wild Strawberry Student Movement has staged sit-ins since 6 November to protest against what they consider the use of excessive force during the Taiwan visit of Chen Yunlin, chairman of the China-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait. Civil society groups in Taiwan are investigating multiple claims that individuals suffered head injuries and broken fingers at the hands of police during the protests.

According to police reports on 8 November, approximately 10,000 police officers had been deployed during Chen's visit; 149 police officers and 200-300 individuals were injured; 18 were arrested.

Taiwanese civil society groups claim that police have applied the Assembly and Parade Law arbitrarily to silence dissent. According to the students' spokesperson, they will not seek police approval, as required by the law, but will only "report" their plans to law enforcement authorities, in line with amendments advocated by the Movement.

The Movement is organizing the protest on Sunday 7 December to criticize the government's failure to amend the Assembly and Parade Law.

Amnesty International said Taiwan's Control Yuan should address the serious concerns raised by civil society in Taiwan and the government should cease the practice of using the Assembly and Parade Law to deny freedom of assembly and allow individuals to protest peacefully. Amnesty International also called on Taiwanese police and judicial authorities to ensure that they investigate any protesters accused of engaging in violence in a fair, transparent, and timely manner in compliance with international standards.


On 3-7 November 2008, Chen Yunlin, chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, led a 60-member delegation from the People's Republic of China to visit Taiwan and meet with President Ma Ying-jeou.

The police barred protesters displaying Taiwanese and Tibetan flags and anti-China slogans along the routes taken by the envoy and confiscated or damaged some of these items. The police also closed a shop near the hotel where Chen Yunlin had dinner with Kuomintang honorary chairman Lien Chan when the shop loudly broadcast music from an album titled 'Songs of Taiwan'.

There were additional reports of arbitrary detention and police brutality, some of which, according to the police, were in response to the violence of protesters.
Following the visit, hundreds of students have staged sit-ins across Taiwan protesting the police's handling of the protests and demanding amendments to the Assembly and Parade Law, which has been misused to prevent protests.

On 6 November the students started their sit-ins outside the offices of the Executive Yuan or (Executive branch), where they were eventually removed by police on the grounds of illegal assembly. They continued the sit-ins at the National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall and organized a daily demonstration calling for immediate amendments to the Assembly and Parade Law, apologies from the president and head of government and the resignations of the heads of the police and national security.

On 18 November Taipei police announced a list of 66 "troublemakers", who had allegedly thrown gas bombs and stones at the police and spat at the Taichung mayor. There were also reports that the police had pressured journalists and their supervisors to hand over video tapes to identify suspects who allegedly took part in the violence.

Public Document

For more information please call Amnesty International's press office in London, UK, on +44 20 7413 5566 or email:
International Secretariat, Amnesty International, 1 Easton St., London WC1X 0DW, UK