Saturday, May 7, 2011

[轉載] U.S. Congressman's Support in Question 美議員:如臺不支援自由 美無必要支援臺

U.S. Congressman's Support in Question

(美議員:如臺不支援自由 美無必要支援臺)
By William Lowther, Taipei Times

Washington, May 5 - US Representative Dana Rohrabacher is threatening to end his strong legislative support for Taiwan as a result of Chunghwa Telecom’s (CHT) decision to terminate satellite services for “pro--democracy” channel New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV).

“If Taiwan does not support the struggle for freedom of thought within China, I see no need for America to support Taiwan,” Rohrabacher said in a letter sent on Wednesday to President Ma Ying-jeou.

,(美國之音中文網)“作為眾議院台灣連線(Taiwan Caucus)的創始人,我一向認為民主自由是連接我們兩國的紐帶”,“如果台灣不支援在中國爭取思想自由的鬥爭,那麼美國就沒有必要支援台灣。”