Thursday, December 30, 2010


12/26~30到北密一趟, 因此前一篇講芬妮孟德爾頌與克拉拉舒曼的格文一直沒補完.  虎頭蛇尾不是很好的結束方式, 所以特地選今天推薦一張CD,順便祝各位新年快樂.

推薦的CD是這張11弦巴洛克. 推薦原因是這CD很特別,其一在於曲目選擇, 原本寫給非吉他的曲目用吉他來詮釋已經有了不同的韻味.其二是,這吉他還不是普通吉他,是11弦的! 這能說不特別嗎?

11 string baroque

選在今天(12/30)也是別有用意的. 因為演奏者Sollscher正是在四十年前的今天(12/30/1970)收到這把吉他禮物的.

我承認我的推薦比較像是外行湊熱鬧的角度. 的確. 古樂我聽得不多,不過這張很值得一聽,尤其是那些和我ㄧ樣,很少聽巴洛克音樂的愛樂朋友們.

當然啦! 對古樂研究較多的朋友們請不吝指教,分享對這張CD的聽法與看法.

Friday, December 24, 2010

女作曲家作品(1) Fanny Mendelssohn & Clara Schumann Piano Trios (芬妮孟德爾頌,克拉拉舒曼三重奏) (草草結束啦!)

Fanny Mendelssohn & Clara Schumann Piano Trios

我不是個女性主義者. 事實上,我很反對"女性主義"這個詞. 我認為正確的話應該稱為男女平權主義, 它講究的是不管性別,一率受到同等對待. 因此, 使用女性主義一詞不過是另一個性別的沙文主義, 哪來平等之意?  不過現在加上uni-sex(變性人)的話, 可能得近一步修正,連男女平權主義都有隱含的歧視了.

言歸正傳.  如果到現在女姓還沒受到平等對待,兩百年前的女性當然更不用說了. 舉例來說, Fanny Mendelssohn的部份曲子一開始甚至以Flex Mendelssohn之名發表, 歧視的情況可見一斑.

Friday, December 17, 2010

轉載: Taiwan’s NCC Refuses Broadcasting License to Next TV, Legislators Threaten Stricter Internet Regulations (NCC拒絕壹傳媒電視台牌照申請,立院威脅更嚴格的網路控管)

壹傳媒申請電視台的牌照兩度被NCC拒絕. 以下是IPI (International Press Institute, 按: 姑且翻成國際新聞組織.如果知道國內慣用翻譯請指教。謝謝!) 的新聞稿, 簡單來說, IPI認為此舉有礙促進新聞自由(press freedom).  IPI 的總部位於奧地利維也納,是個關注國際新聞自由的非營利組織.

這篇新聞稿補充了前陣子無國界記者(Reports Without Borders)發布的2010年的新聞自由指標(press freedom index), 與自由之家(Freedom House)發布的新聞自由指標(附於本文末) 關於台灣媒體自由的隱憂.  自由之家的報導中也提到許多可能危害新聞自由的具體事例, 例如置入行銷,媒體老闆本身的政治傾向等等.  而這篇最有趣的是提到NCC成立的宗旨.



Taiwan’s NCC Refuses Broadcasting License to Next TV, Legislators Threaten Stricter Internet Regulations

IPI expresses concerns about NCC’s failure to promote press freedom

By Barbara Trionfi, Press Freedom Adviser for Asia and the Pacific (12/15/2010)

More than a year after Taiwan-based Next Media Group requested a broadcasting license from Taiwan's National Communication Committee (NCC), the company has yet to receive permission to broadcast news programs.

Representatives of Next Media Group have informed IPI that in August 2009 the company applied for licenses for a news channel, a general interest channel, an entertainment channel, a sports channel and a movie channel. The NCC reportedly refused the request twice, eventually allowing only the sports and the movie channels to air and withholding the license for the news and the general interest channels.

The reason for the refusal, according to NCC, is that there are “concerns that the channel’s broadcasts would violate the Regulations Governing the Classification of Television Programs.”

Sunday, December 12, 2010



糗大! 美未禁豬血糕 治國週記急刪

其實很久不想寫關於政治的格文. 就算沾到邊, 大部分是從其他角度去看某事件. 這是12/13的新聞. 看到後我覺得很沒力. 

為什麼沒力? 因為這禁賣台灣豬血糕的舊聞早就被證實有誤. 這是蘋果日報當時的新聞:

明尼蘇達的冬天 (photos updated)


需知, 北邊本來天氣就冷,雪量就多. 今年感恩節照例去朋友家過節. 其中有對朋友去年初已經搬到馬里蘭,只是每年(去年起)回到密西根過節. 朋友說,去年馬里蘭有天雪很大, 因為習慣密西根的天氣,他還傻傻開去上班, 結果那天根本就停止上班上課. 他心想:有這麼誇張嗎? 言下之意那雪量在北邊根本未達停止上班上課的標準. 除了溫度雨雪量外,主要是北邊的鏟雪車與灑鹽的車數量遠超過東岸大部分地方,所以更不容易積雪到停止上班上課.

凡事都是相對的. 那天吃飯另有一些"新人," 聽說我是明尼蘇達搬過去的,問我那裡冷不冷. 我說冷啊! 她們問: 有這裡冷嗎? 我說: "經歷過明尼蘇達的冬天後, 老實說,密西根的冬天是不算冷的."
她們都很驚訝. 問我有多冷? 我說: 明尼蘇達每年的冬天都會有華氏是負的. 而且是白天最高溫也是負的. 看她們一附不可置信樣,  我心裡面憋著沒講的是: 在明尼蘇達,只有當溫度低到華氏負的,我才稱之為冬天. 那當然是阿Q作法.要不是這麼嚴苛的標準,那裡大概一年的冬天長達6個月吧?! 那日子怎麼過得下去?!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

一些關於音樂的碎念: 兼談交響情人夢, 琴之森, 星光大道與超偶 (rev x 3. add one link)

所謂碎唸, 就是一些沒有系統的想法, 雜七雜八放在一起是也. 

看完交響情人夢的電視劇時,一度想寫下古典音樂教育的想法. 忘記什麼原因, 也可能只是偷懶,總之一直沒寫. 前陣子看完交響情人夢的電影版, 老實說, 我對電影版頗失望, "虎頭蛇尾, 不夠緊湊"是兩個主要的抱怨.  這兩天因緣際會才知道另一部日本講古典樂的漫畫, 琴之森. 馬上和DG兩人熬夜看完. 我看的是改成的動畫,片長1時40分,其實也不算太久. 要我用電腦看漫畫我可沒辦法.眼睛會脫窗.

這一看又讓我有點動力把一直沒寫的寫下來. 我覺得交響情人夢,琴之森最大的作用在於讓古典樂以輕鬆的, 一種比較容易親近的方式呈現,讓古典樂得以普及. 相對的,星光大道與超級偶像則是讓普羅大眾,至少我, 了解到流行音樂其實也有嚴謹的一面. 於是乎對於一些新近的流行歌曲, 那種過去我不會喜歡的曲目(如舞曲之類的快歌), 我有了一些改觀[1].

話既如此, 在講交響情人夢與琴之森之前, 我想先聊聊星光大道與超偶,這兩個歌手選拔的節目.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

關於洞穴奇案一書的感想: 從安地斯空難與智利礦災說起 (未完)

<前言> 這草稿竟然已經放了超過一個月,還是沒有一點要完成的樣子. 其實早就想寫別的,也寫了好幾篇別的了. 現在把草稿放上來, 會不會給自己點壓力來完成就不知道了.


組織化礦工 獲救大功臣





38年前的今天(1972/10/13)也發生一件大事,事情也跟智利有點關係, 那就是安地斯空難. 一架載著烏拉圭橄欖球隊的飛機在安地斯山脈遇上亂流,飛機失事,其中12名當場死亡. 希望能活著等待救援隊到來的希望,在從電台得知救援隊已停止搜索行動後而破滅,生還者不得已用死者屍體充飢。此外,其中兩名球員在辛難的情況下步行9天下山,成功向他人求救.  意外發生第72天後(即:12月22日),剩餘的16名生還者終於被智利空軍救援隊救出。

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

拋磚引玉(4): 永遠的 Arabella -瑞士女高音 Lisa della Casa (rev x 1)

<前言> 有別於過去的幾集拋磚引玉,這次拋出Feltsman音樂會之磚後,半拐半騙引來Lisa della Casa之玉. 除了特別感謝Publius賜稿. 感恩節前刊出此文, 一來感謝各位當我的讀者之餘還不吝賜教,二來感謝各位敗家軍不餘遺力的鼓吹敗家. 收獲許多.



”That girl will be Arabella one day!

~ R. Strauss”

1 Lisa della Casa其人其事


1瑞士女高音 Lisa della Casa 1919年 2月 2日出生於瑞士 Burgdorf,以其對莫札特及理查史特勞斯的詮釋以及其劇場扮像聞名於聲樂界。她曾在蘇黎世音樂院受教於 Margarete Haeser門下,並在 1940年於 Solothurn-Biel Municipal Theater,以普契尼歌劇蝴蝶夫人中的蝴蝶夫人作為其處女秀。 1943至 1950年, della Casa加入蘇黎世市立歌劇院,這段期間內她演出過的角色包括莫札特歌劇「魔笛」中的夜后、「女人皆如此」中的多拉貝拉在內的許多許多角色 ,並在 1947年與南斯拉夫裔新聞記者 Dragan Debeljevic結婚。

Sunday, November 21, 2010

新聞「為時已晚」vs. 電影Conviction (rev x 2) [last update:2/1/2011]

為時已晚 處死DNA才還清白
更新日期:2010/11/12 13:35 陳 蓉
(法新社華盛頓11日電) 美國德州1名男子因為一撮頭髮被判死刑,2000年遭到處決。但今天公布的DNA檢驗結果,證實那並非他的頭髮。
「德州觀察家」(Texas Observer)雜誌刊登Mitotyping Technologies實驗室的檢驗結果,顯示「瓊斯(Claude Howard Jones)「並非這撮問題頭髮的主人」。這家雜誌社經過3年法律訴訟才取得證物。
瓊斯有一長串犯案前科,但堅稱當同夥搶劫酒商,並殺死希爾珍德格(Allen Hilzendager)時,他在車上把風。
瓊斯曾要求DNA檢驗,並延緩執行死刑,但被當時的州長小布希(George W. Bush)否決。
「德州觀察家」報導,根據他們和致力於平反冤獄的「無辜者計畫」(Innocent Project)所取得文件,顯示「當時的州檢察官並沒有告訴小布希,DNA證據可能會讓瓊斯平反。」(譯者:中央社陳蓉)
看到這則新聞, 想到日前去看的電影Conviction.  雖然我對這電影評價為普通, 喜歡看電影的人,尤其是喜歡溫馨感人片的人還是可以去看看.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

新聞, 舊文: [舊文重貼]有偏見的媒體不好嗎? (新聞連結已修正)

電視台報五都新聞 有「深綠」沒「深藍」(2010/11/13 13:28)



上面是最近在咖啡館看到的轉貼新聞. 看到新聞想到舊文. 先不說這中立與否以及偏頗的程度是怎麼衡量出來的,因為在那新聞中沒有交代, 我倒是想到自己的舊文一篇. 原文的標題是: 回應"對外電入返聯公投結果的報導" 與讀”有偏見的媒體不好嗎?”有感

從標題應該就知道當時的背景. 因為這個新聞, 我再讀一次舊文, 發現當時的討論還是適用於現在. 遂把關於媒體偏見的部份再度引用出來如下. 簡單的講, 所謂的無偏媒體運動是針對以下前提四.

另, 真假新聞的連結在此.


Friday, November 12, 2010

(concert review) 聽Feltsman音樂會有感 (全)

Vladimir Feltsman (為什麼這麼多鋼琴家都叫Vladimir啊??)

· Mozart : Fantasia in d minor, K. 397
· Schubert : Four Impromptus, Op. 90, D. 899
· Chopin : Four Ballades

沒想到一向催人稿的我也有被催稿的這天. 話說去這場音樂會猶如洗三溫暖. 本來是普萊亞(Perahia)的, 也準備好CD要拿去簽名了. 遲遲一直沒有曲目,沒有曲目就不能做功課啊! 反正最近敗家的CD還多的是, 隨便拿幾張出來聽. 等啊等的,等到是普萊亞因為手傷取消演出,心情盪到谷底. 因為普萊亞是我喜歡的鋼琴家之ㄧ. 找來代班的是Feltsman. 說實話,之前沒接觸過他, 不知是何方神聖, 但是寄來的傳單介紹倒是挺感人的.

in 1990, he gave a recital when Maurizio Pollini canceled, and this fall he has agreed to step in for both Jeffrey Kahane (with the Takács Quartet in October) and for Murray Perahia with this concert (Perahia canceled his entire fall tour because of hand problems).”

衝著他對此小鎮如此有情有意, 我對這場音樂會又升起期待. 上網做點功課, 又是個自前蘇聯投奔自由的義士音樂家. 更加燃起我的情緒. 需知欣賞音樂時,我是個主客不分的人,維權人士的人性光輝(主觀意識型態)往往被我投射到對他們音樂詮釋的評價(客觀音樂演奏技術)上, 於是乎我喜歡卡薩爾斯與羅斯托波維奇勝過杜普雷,也於是乎我喜歡阿續肯納吉(我承認這有點愛屋及烏的成分, 對了,在音樂家的夫人故事裡怎就漏掉了他?)與齊瑪曼勝過阿格麗希. 當然,這完全是偏見. 總之,基於歷史價值,我買了Feltsman在美國的首場公演(1987)的錄音CD.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

預告: Mr. Feltsman's recital replaces Murray Perahia's cancelled recital.

等一下要去聽的音樂會, 希望有機會回來聊感想.

Mr. Feltsman's recital replaces Murray Perahia's cancelled recital.


· Mozart : Fantasia in d minor, K. 397

· Schubert : Four Impromptus, Op. 90, D. 899

· Chopin : Four Ballades

Sunday, November 7, 2010

偽 News Rumble (updated x2)

"The judiciary needs to be independent but it cannot be isolated from society or betray public expectations," Ma said.

引述這段話不是我對個案的關注, 而是洞穴奇案裡的法官之ㄧHandy 所持的理由正是司法判決要考慮民意. 司法判決考慮民意還是獨立的司法判決嗎? 這是我閱讀筆記想要討論的重點之ㄧ,也是引述這段話的原因之一. 其二是, 最近(昨天)看了一片和司法有關的電影: Conviction, 當中讓我對日前台灣要不要廢死? 的爭議有了一點反思. 有空再來聊聊洞穴奇案一書和Conviction一片.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

才子佳人的故事: 音樂家與他們的夫(情)人 (revised)

霍洛維茲夫婦. 翻攝於Horowitz in Moscow CD內頁.

我不是個會說故事的人. 不過今天倒想來講講一些才子佳人的故事.

一切都起因於日前的馬勒的音樂會(明年三月還有一場). 聽音樂會前照例要先做點功課,於是翻出馬勒資料來讀讀. 而這首馬勒五號完成時正與他和馬勒夫人相遇並共築愛巢同時期.

馬勒的一生,和許多音樂家類似的,充滿苦難與災難. 不過音樂家有著悲慘遭遇並非新鮮事,. 正因如此, 馬勒一生故事裡吸引我的反而是他的老婆艾瑪辛德勒(Alma Schindler). 在我看來,除去他的音樂成就外,他一生唯一的幸福就是娶了個貌美且出生世家的老婆.

艾瑪辛德勒一生結婚三次,都是嫁給藝術工作者,分別是音樂家Gustav Mahler,建築師Walter Gropius,與小說家Franz Werfel. 所以她的名字也愈來愈長,最後變成了 Alma Maria Mahler Gropius Werfel, 但她自稱(go by) Alma Mahler-Werfel. 而三次婚姻外還有多次未經證實的緋聞與或長或短的外遇,當然還有一群仰慕者. 這裡記載了她多采多姿的一生. 另外電影 Bride of the Wind 也是以這個為主題. 可惜我還沒看過這電影.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


老毛病發作, 不知不覺裡草稿又存了好幾篇,卻是沒有一篇完成.  這還不含這系列第一集裡提到諸多篇也都還沒寫完 ( 當然也有補上的啦)!

為了清草稿, 也為了提醒自己,把這些筆記整理一下. 沒興趣者可直接跳過. 也許我該開放投票,看哪篇最引人興趣,當作自己寫完的動力?
#1 洞穴奇案: 從智利礦工的故事說起
#2 舊聞: 兩篇關於台灣死刑的公開信
#3 小確幸三部曲之二與之三
#4 音樂家的夫人(情人) :沒想到最先寫完的竟然是這篇! 大概因為不必用腦的關係吧 :P
#5 Concert 10/27: (Philip Glass & Robert McDuffie's "The Season's Project" )"四季"音樂會

   · Vivaldi : The Four Seasons, Op. 8 (1723)
   · Glass : Violin Concerto No. 2: “The American Four Seasons” (2009)
  Venice Baroque Orchestra
  Robert McDuffie

# 6 電影與人生: Return to Me 真實版
#7 East or west, home is best (9): 客廳傢俱 & 秋

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

史特勞斯的交響詩《唐‧吉珂德》Strauss: Don Quixote (revised)

雖然是依照塞萬提斯(Miguel de Cervantes)的同名小說寫成,而我也很喜歡那本書, 但這篇要說的是另一個我喜歡的唐吉珂德—理查史特勞斯的交響詩.

雖然找到關於此作品的中文文章並不多(這也是我寫這篇的原因之一),我知道不只一人說過他們並不喜歡,或說不特別喜歡史特勞斯的作品, 雖然她們不喜歡的原因有的不明,有的是基於該作品違背心目中理想的對位比例等,不一而足.

但, 我就是喜歡這曲目.

有別於用旋律來代表故事裡的不同角色, 史特勞斯利用樂器來代表不同角色[1]: 代表主角唐吉珂德(Don Quixote)的大提琴, 代表追隨侍從桑科(Sancho Panza)的中提琴, 代表女主角,也就是唐吉珂德幻想中的達辛妮亞(Dulcinea)的,但其實只是位村姑的雙簧管.

關於無國界記者與自由之家發布的新聞自由指標 (press freedom index by RWB and Freedom House)

這是幾天前的舊聞了! 無國界記者(Reports Without Borders)發布了2010年的新聞自由指標(press freedom index), 台灣進步了11名來到了第48名. 進步當然是好事,但是台灣媒體還是有個問題,那就是片面性的報導. 在這裡不能說是斷章取義,也許只能算是報喜不報憂吧!

Asia-Pacific country rankings can be impressive. New Zealand is one of the ten top winners and Japan (11th), Australia (18th) and Hong Kong (34th) occupy favourable positions. Two other Asian democracies, Taiwan and South Korea, rose 11 and 27 places respectively, after noteworthy falls in the 2009 Index. Although some problems persist, such as the issue of the state-owned media’s editorial independence, arrests and violence have ceased.
姑且翻譯重點如下: 兩個亞洲的民主體制,台灣與南韓,繼2009年的大幅滑落之後,(今年)分別進步了11與27名.

紅色的是被眾媒體省略的部份. 請注意,台灣的新聞自由(48)還不及香港(34)!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

美聯社(AP)專訪馬總統之報導爭議 與 美聯社的回應: what does it mean by "So, do I understand you correctly that..." (updated on 11/7)

我本來不想寫這個的(已經很久沒寫政治相關新聞了!) ,但, 有人問我對這次AP新聞的看法,聯合報這篇和我看法差不多,那就是: 為什麼一定要用英文回答呢???
這是聯合報的報導: 觀察站/馬總統愛用英文受訪,常被曲解…

兩年來,總統接受外媒專訪出包,美聯社並非頭一回,從墨西哥太陽報、華爾街日報、CNN等各大媒體專訪,大小狀況不斷,馬總統必須檢討的可能是,為何講過多次的兩岸論述,總是在用英文受訪時,被老外「誤解扭曲」? (聯合報)

就像該報導說的,這不是第一次被誤解, 所以我也就沒特別去看詳細的歧見在哪. 一直到今天從我常去的部落格之一(MJ:簡單說英文),循線(連結)看到所謂的中英對照, 覺得這中文翻譯不大對.

Monday, October 18, 2010

to readers of my blog entry "Mariinsky Orch/Gergiev" (updated on 11/2/2010)

因為去聽了音樂會,也寫了一點感想,竟然有些non-mandarin speaker的讀者被吸引到這裡. 許多還是透過google translate來讀我寫的.  某天好奇下我去按了那個google translate的連結,不按還好,一看發現錯誤連連,甚至有相反的.

我不確定我有責任,但我想澄清: 讀者如果從google translate閱讀而有所誤會的話,那跟我無關.

This is just a short note to readers, particularly non-mandarin speakers/readers, who came to read my blog entry about my review of the Mariinsky Orch/Gergiev held on 10/10/2010.

First of all, thank you for being my readers.  I noticed that quite a number of you attempted to read that blog entry via Google Translate.  While I admire your efforts and interest in that blog entry, I want to and need to say that:

DO NOT TRUST those translations.  This is why.

Out of curiosity, I clicked the link to Google Translate.  I was then taken by shock about those translations.  Some of them even went opposite to what I stated.  I am not commenting about the Google Translate as a tool.  But I just want to caution readers and bring to your attention that I am NOT responsible for the translated blog entry, for which can be, at best, misleading, and at worst, incorrect.  Let alone the grammatic errors and etc.  In fact, if you ever noticed, Google Translate even didn't get "Rachmaninoff" right. Instead, the name was bizzarely put as "Lahemanni Nove."  Such a mis-labeling of the artist name should be very suggestive.

Let me just give a couple of examples below.  Note that I only highlight (in red) the most absurd part of the particular translation.  Whatever not highlighted does not imply that the translation is correct. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mariinsky Orch/Gergiev: 馬勒五號交響曲,拉赫曼尼諾夫三號鋼琴協奏曲(last update: 10/13/2010)

(photo source:

Rachmaninoff : Piano Concerto No. 3 in d minor, Op. 30 (1909) 拉赫曼尼諾夫鋼琴協奏曲(三號)

Mahler : Symphony No. 5 (1901-02) 馬勒交響曲(五號)

Conductor: Valery Gergiev
Orchestra: Mariinsky Orchestra 馬林斯基交響樂團
Piano: Denis Gergiev

這是今天(10/10/2010)去聽的音樂會.  今天演出兩首曲目,分別是拉赫曼尼諾夫三號鋼琴協奏曲與馬勒的五號. 這兩者有什麼關係?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

小確幸的證據 【三部曲之一】: 給朋友 (revised)

這三部曲都是因為讀朋友"寂寞的證據【吹風機/大同電鍋/手機】" 有感. 原文附於後.

第一部曲是寫給朋友的,提醒他別忘記手邊身邊的幸福. 第二,三部曲是寫給自己的,提醒自己記得身邊微切的福. 是的,這就是小確幸(辭源:村上春樹: 蘭格漢斯島的午后,#19:小確幸).


小確幸的證據 【吹風機/大同電鍋/手機】

你說你寂寞. 證據是冬季的夜裡, 入睡前得先用吹風機暖被.

我卻覺得,你就算不能說是幸福也說幸運. 吹風機吹的不過是冬季的被窩, 我想起我辛苦的朋友,在炎熱的夏天吹風機吹的是自己的後頸, 滿頭大汗地奮力對抗體內的濕氣.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Home Tour 看房子(1): Remodelers Home Tour

這是這個週末的消遣. 其實整個tour有兩部份,這週是看房子裝修或改建(remodelers), 下週是看樣品屋(showcase).  這週的部份總共有13個案子,下週有6個.不過專案一的房子兩週都開放參觀,所以總共只有18間房子.

會去參加這個一方面是吸收別人的點子. 我們心裡面考慮的幾個改裝包含做地下室(finsihed basement), 改裝早餐區 (當然,正式用餐區的餐桌也得更換), 還有就是窗戶的部份.

歐巴桑性格的我每到一間都想拍照. 去的第一間非常大方的讓我們拍, 沒想到第二間就踢到鐵板. 所以第二間(project no. 7)的照片我就不放上來了. 照片在這裡. 為了怕一下子就用掉這個月的quota,我只放了一部份上來. 看照片的人會發現最多張照片的的是二號project. 這個project的屋主本身就是builder, 所以弄好自己的房子等於活廣告. 下週的第四號專案也是出自於同家builder.

廢話這麼多之後,讓我拿一個來當例子講詳細點. 既然去看的第一間(project no. 6)這麼大方,我就選它當例子來講囉.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

拋磚引玉(3): 樂器,類比(LP)與數位(CD,mp3)錄音與音效 (add one link, 10/12/2010)

[前言] 和前面兩篇類似, 這篇也是一堆對話的結集, 我稍微編輯後整理出來的. 

事實上幾年前,當朋友推薦ipod給我卻被我拒絕 (到現在我還是不聽 ipod, 哈!), 我當初的理由就是mp3等會壓縮音樂的層次,同樣的樂曲在mp3的版本往往變得平淡而單薄.  當時我說不出什麼原理, 只是個人主觀感受如此. 當然,這大部分只在古典樂成立. 

後來在朋友網站讀到一段話, 發現不是只有我有這樣的主觀感受:

看到有人呼應自己的想法或經驗總是特別興奮, 於是我問到:  看你的比喻很有趣 不知道你會如何比喻mp3之於CD?


 那段對話就那樣結束了。 那是2005年八月。 現在(2010年九月)事隔五年餘,又有類似的對話,只不過這次討論更深入。於是乎有這篇。



Saturday, September 18, 2010

手工藝品(2): 拼圖篇

今天在兩人的奮鬥下終於完成拼圖. 拼圖是這次回台灣帶回來的.

第一個是劉其偉的作品婆憂鳥之卿卿.  我們買的是時鐘.


清粥小菜 (9/21 補上文字)+炒混蛋

早上的清粥小菜.  先來張全照. (先放照片)

不知道為什麼放上來blogspot自己給我轉90度? (還是要說轉270度?)


特色菜是週末在農夫市場買到的chilli pepper,一種會辣的椒,但又比一般辣椒來得大, 但又比彩椒小. 除了以前做過的椒類鑲肉,我們把它拿來當提味用. 

上面左邊的照片是拿來去腥,和魚片,花生炒一起. 算是炒辣子雞和西芹炒魚片綜合版.
右邊的則是辣椒豆鼓炒銀耳皮蛋.chilli pepper的辣味加上脆脆的銀耳與軟爛的皮蛋, 一起吃有種不同的風味.

會想到辣椒豆鼓炒皮蛋是因為DG想吃皮蛋豆腐, 買了一盒四顆皮蛋. 每次都吃皮蛋豆腐太無趣了, 我就自己想花樣變化.  銀耳可加可不加,味道上沒有太大差別(因為銀耳本來就沒味道),但是口感上會有差別. 如果只有皮蛋可能會太軟爛, 加了點脆脆的白木耳可以改變口感.

炒混蛋(皮蛋+雞蛋) 我不知道為什麼blogspot又把它轉向了?!
最後一顆皮蛋我們也做了點嚐試. 靈感來自也用得到皮蛋的三色蛋. 不過這算是懶人版的,也就是用炒的,不用蒸的. 把皮蛋和生雞蛋一起炒, 上面淋上蕃茄醬就好了. 出乎意外的好吃.  這道菜只要1分鐘. 相對上三色蛋就麻煩多了!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

(updated)手工藝品(1):自製花瓶/置遙控器架 [My craft art (1): vase/remote control holder]

整天收東西實在很煩,其實是我本來就是個沒耐心的人,搬家時後的打包,有80%要靠DG相助, 就利用手邊一些廢物來自製手工藝品. 偏偏手又不巧, 成品不怎麼高明. 但還是臉皮厚得貼出來給大家評評分.
Bored by whole day unpacking, I decided to hand make some home decoratings.  Yet, I am all thumbs.  So, how would you expect the quality of the finished art? 

Here are the materials.

  • 包裝東西剩下的絲與綢
  • 新買家具(忘記哪個家具)包裝留下的厚紙板四片,這次用了兩片
  • 包碗盤帶過來的廢紙若干
As you can see, all materials are recycled.  Those are materails from wrapping, materials from furtinure packing foams and cartons, and etc.

Monday, September 13, 2010

8/15, 幫台灣加油!

這是回台前一天晚上去的. 後來回台灣一忙,就沒發文了!  不過因為這算是第一次以僑胞的心情去幫台灣棒球隊(青少棒)加油, 還是補記一下流水帳.

從入口開始有很多柱子. 每根上面寫著某一年的冠軍隊伍


Sunday, September 12, 2010


因為DG喜歡大餅,最近幾次都只拿麵包機來和麵糰,做大餅. 前幾天DG要我再作吐司,好消化掉暑假期間來此借宿的朋友留下的各式果醬.

所以我就重出江湖洗手作羹湯了. 不過還是只拿麵包機來揉麵而已,因為想做雙色吐司, 沒辦法使用它的自動功能.

Friday, September 3, 2010

East or west, home is best (8): 2010, 夏 (照片更新)

剛回來的那天門口已經堆滿我從MN運回的家當. 這幾天一方面陸續整理,一方面採購點小家具. 貼幾張照片出來分享成果炫耀一下.

首先來張Hallway Table全景吧! 那法蘭瓷可是家人千辛萬苦從台灣背來的說. 美吧!? 所以來張近照吧!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

雙城居, 大不易系列之"衰尾"

原作於2006/10/24,載於MSN. 自愚已娛人也.



      (原作: 山月, by Gulgula)                                 ( 仿作: ㄙㄨㄟ 尾) 

你領著路 划開了月光                                 牠領著路 爬過了地毯

我兩隻羽翼便沾滿了你的叮嚀與談笑       我手上的報紙便沾滿了牠的羞辱與

晶亮                                                            噁心

清涼                                                            悽涼

搭飛機雜記(4): 飛行安全誰之責? (updated on 10/31/2010)

時差中的胡言亂語. 拖了這麼久,現在發文也算是紀念911吧?!

我喜歡看的電影種類有二: 一是法庭片,那種有出庭攻防橋段的. 另一是以飛機或飛行航程當做背景所發生的故事. 湊巧的是,最近亂轉電視剛好看到兩片都是和飛行有關的電影,分別是FlightplanRed Eye. 雖然這兩片有我喜歡的背景,卻也說不上好看. 不過這兩片都和飛行安全沾上邊,也就是這篇雜記的重點.

既然要講飛行安全, 在講自身遭遇前前先問大家一個問題: 以下情況哪個比較危險?

情況1: 不該出現在該班次的旅客因誤通過安檢
情況2: 不符坐在逃生門的旅客因誤被劃在逃生門座位

Saturday, August 7, 2010

拋磚引玉(2): 鋼琴與大鍵琴

按: 類似拋磚引玉(1), 這篇也是集結一些關於鋼琴與大鍵琴音色的討論. 與其說是文章,不如說是對話集.

瓦(提問):  韓德爾這些鍵盤組曲我聽過鋼琴版,最近聽了大鍵琴的演奏(其實具體的說,是YouTube上Pinnock演奏的Chaconne),和鋼琴的感覺很不一樣。

我不知道是因為演奏者的個別差異,還是因為兩種樂器的根本差異? (進一步來講) 演奏這些曲子,或者一般巴洛克鍵盤音樂,大鍵琴與現代鋼琴除了音色與音量之外,有什麼具體差異?各有些什麼長處短處?

我: 我先來不付責任的回答(笑),再請D補充

首先大鍵琴發音原理與鋼琴不同,前者類似弦樂的撥絃方式,後者是敲擊的方式. 因為發音方式不同,音色不同. 再來就是音量的部份,鋼琴的音量比較大,這個很清楚就可以分辨.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In memory of Loren

Loren C. Heiny (1-26-1961 to 7-25-2010), my friend in AZ, passed away.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Legend 2010 Albums

House on the Rock相本之後, 終於陸續放一些Legend 2010的相本. 最近暫時沒空寫文章,有照片就加減看吧!


link to Legend 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

搭飛機雜記(3): 誰被歧視? (8/8/2010 revised)

這是很久之前某次搭飛機時的感想. 前陣子(6/18/2010)華航因為招募廣告中有身高限制而被台北市勞工局以容貌歧視為由罰款30萬, 讓我又有點動力寫完這篇. 事實上我認為空服人員身高限制有其必要, 至少要能夠輕鬆操作放在頭頂置物艙的各種器材. 不過這不是這篇的重點.

事情發生在2008年底, 我去巴爾的摩參加研討會. 去程時候並沒有被升等, 但是因為是銀卡會員, 有優先登機的好處. 站在門口的空少歡迎我們這些金銀卡會員, 而我習慣性的望向駕駛艙, 發現是女性副機長.

航空業是個特殊的行業. 對年紀歧視, 對容貌(含身高)歧視, 對性別歧視[1].

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Legend 2010 (6): Deadwood鎮,黑熊之鄉,Custer State Park, Iron Mountain Rd, 與 飛彈紀念地(Missile Historic Site)


最後再來寫些零碎的部份,含Deadwood, Iron Mountain Road (pigtail bridges), Custer State Park, 黑熊之鄉(Bear Country) 與 飛彈紀念地(Missile Historic Site).


首先是Deadwood. 也算巧合, 在出發前不久,剛好看到Travel & Leisure 雜誌的十個最漂亮還是最有特色之類的小鎮,上面有Deadwood 鎮,就在我們即將前往的南達科塔州,而且就在我們要去的路上. 雖說是路上,其實如果走大路(比較多道的路)是不需要經過的. 不過一來時間許可,二來日後要特別到這兩州的機會微乎其微,到此鎮的機會更差不多是等於零,當然得利用這機會順道一遊.

就這樣, 從Spearfish(魚叉市) 到Custer 的路上, 我們不但經過Deadwood,還在此鎮停留了一下. 鎮上昔日的車站在今日成為博物館. 參觀完博物館對此鎮有多一點了解. 南達科塔州一開始是因為鐵礦開採才興盛起來的,這倒是解答了我內心一直有的疑惑: 這種鳥不生蛋的地方,怎麼會有 “移民”來呢? 南北達科塔州原是印地安人Lakato 族的居住地, 總得有經濟誘因吸引外來移民(白人). 總之, 雖說是最美麗的小鎮, 這裡當初是個惡名昭彰之處, 因為賭博(gambling)與嫖妓(prostitute)出名的.

Deadwood是個山城小鎮,蜿蜒的地勢讓鎮上唯一一條主要街道(Main Street)俯拾可見, 街道兩旁有早期的建築,更後面就是溫帶地區常見的的松木林,最後才是層層疊疊的山.

延著蜿蜒的山路(HWY385)到Custer已經是下午五六點了. 到旅館check in之後,吃晚餐之前到預訂行程瘋馬酋長(Crazy Horse). 因為到得晚,它的遊客中心已經關閉了! 我對美國歷史本來就沒有太多了解,大致上此處是為了紀念該印地安酋長抵抗白人入侵而建立的一個紀念公園. 預計想達成的工程雖然浩大,因為經費有限,現在只完成了酋長的側面像. 相對上附近的四個總統像因為得到議會的支持, 經費相對充裕許多.

Iron Mountain Road (pigtail bridges)

這是在旅館裡的一些當地旅遊團(local tour)介紹行程的小冊子(brochure) 裡看到的. 這裡據說是遠眺總統像的最好地點

這一路是針葉林與彎曲,甚至狹窄的隧道,根據風洞國家公園人員的說法是, 出隧道口後會倐然發現遠方的總統山就在山巒上,非常震撼.可惜這天天氣並不晴朗, 但雖然看不到總統山,多了雲煙繚繞到也有另一番景色.

而所謂的豬尾巴橋(pigtail bridges)也是因為彎圈山路,就像是豬尾巴一圈圈一樣而得名(還是因此命名). 不過因為山路既彎又狹,從搖下的車窗往外拍並沒有拍出親眼所見的景觀. 可惜的是我們沒到附近的needle highway ,後來看到照片有那麼點遺憾.

Custer State Park (州立公園)

前面提到過,Custer State Park裡有不少小木屋, 看來是個適合度假的地方.

離開風洞國家公園(Wind Cave NP)之後,我們選擇走另一條會經過Custer State Park的路回到旅館. 更精確的說, 與其說是會經過Custer State Park,實際上是一石的兩側: 水泥石塊砌成的公園入口這一面寫著是Custer State Park, 另一面則是Wind Cave NP. 需知風洞國家公園地面上的部份是免入園費的,只有參觀導覽行程才需要費用. 但是Custer State Park則是需要入園費的.是的,看到這裡你應該已經猜到入園費是榮譽制: 門口有信封自己將費用放入信封即可.

因為只是路過,我們並沒有停下來照相,唯二兩個停車的地方一是遊客中心,不過當時尚未開門. 另一個停車處是因為其他遊客停車拍照,好心的路人甲還告訴我們石頭後方有大角羊(Bighorn), 我們當然也跟著湊熱鬧. 在這裡也看到很多美國野牛(buffalo),不過是到後來發現才知道Custer State Park裡的wildlife byway 可以看到很多野生動物. 當然,前提是時間必須正確. 言下之意是我們到的時間裡沒看到太多野生動物, 哈!


不過到了黑熊之鄉一口氣滿足了看動物的欲望. 黑熊之鄉有點像是台灣的六福村野生動物園的部份. 雖然手冊上寫著請勿搖下車窗,不過為了拍照我們還是搖下了很多次.

雖然說是黑熊之鄉,裡面動物倒是非常多種. 不過最過癮的是看到熊在抓癢. 龐大的身軀先是找到電線桿,電線桿的外層圍著鐵皮, 我猜想鐵皮原是為了保護木頭電線桿(以免被熊掌抓壞),不過這一來似乎更方便抓癢. 總之找到電線桿的熊背對電線桿而立,藉著就是熊背上下上下擺動, 非常可愛. 我們猛拍照, 後來才想起來像機有攝影功能,否則留下短片更能夠把過程記錄下來.

飛彈紀念地(Missile Historic Site)
在風洞國家公園時我們拿著當地旅遊團的小冊子,詢問管理員意見. 也是因為這樣,我們隔天才特別選擇走Iron Mountain Road. 管理員建議我們可以去附近的飛彈紀念區參觀導覽,還給我們國家公園管理處印製的手冊. 根據手冊早上九點半與下午一點半各有一場導覽.

原本以為隔天的惡地國家公園不會停留太久, 不過一來我們先繞進黑熊之鄉,二來我們在惡地又停留了與預期還久的時間, 可能還要再加上午餐因為等著吃冰淇淋 (等機器修理),午餐用餐時間也耗掉不少時間. 總之我們最後到達此處已經下午六點, 連遊客中心都關了,更不用想參加導覽行程了.

紀念地的外面有幾張解說版. 上面解釋這個紀念地的歷史. 簡單講,冷戰時期美國政府跟民間大量收購土地, 建立地下監測站,並儲藏大量飛彈等武器. 而這裡就是其中之一的監測站所留下的產物. 因為是地下的,沒有參觀導覽行程根本看不到東西. 只是很難想像這個感覺上遺世獨立的寧靜小鎮也曾經有箭拔奴張的過去.

記錄到這裡也算是告一段落. 最後以一些關於南達科塔州的trivia 來結束:

人口(population)在美國50州裡排第46名,但它的土地則是第17名, 由此可見地廣人稀! 而農牧人口比例高達90%,沿路開去除了一望無際的農場之外還是農場!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Legend 2010 系列

嚴格說這應該只是個目錄. 把它列出來一是方便閱讀,二是小抄,就算到時候沒把遊記或流水帳寫出來至少也知道去了哪些地方.

Legend 2010 (0): Toronto(3) + Holland, MI(密西根小荷蘭). 算是行前篇
Legend 2010 (1): 行程--主要行程由此開始.

Legend 2010 (2): 行程安排的叨絮與羅斯福國家公園(Roosevelt NP)
Legend 2010 (3): 惡魔塔與四個總統像
Legend 2010 (4): 珠寶洞穴與風洞
Legend 2010 (5): 惡地國家公園
Legend 2010 (6): Deadwood鎮,黑熊之鄉,Custer State Park, Iron Mountain Rd, 與 飛彈紀念地(Missile Historic Site)
Legend 2010 (7): 塔列辛 (Taliesin)與岩上之屋(House on the Rock), WI
Legend 2010 (8): 美加邊界與多倫多City Tour

Saturday, May 22, 2010

[轉載] An open letter to Wang Jin-pyng (給王金平院長的公開信) (含中文翻譯)


An open letter to Wang Jin-pyng

Sunday, May 23, 2010, Page 8
Dear Mr Speaker, Wang Jin-pyng (王金平),

As strong supporters of a free and democratic Taiwan, we would like to call your attention to a number of concerns we have regarding the ongoing negotiations between the Taiwanese and Chinese governments to arrive at an economic cooperation framework agreement.


While in principle, an economic agreement between the two countries would be laudable, it concerns us that there has been a lack of transparency and legislative checks and balances on the part of the government in Taiwan: Media and civic groups have complained about the secrecy of the negotiations and the fact that there is no clarity on what the agreement would entail or what impact it would have on Taiwan’s economy, in particular its agriculture sector, small and medium-size industries and the labor force.


Furthermore, the Legislative Yuan appears to be sidelined in the decisionmaking process, which does not bode well for the country’s young democracy. Against this background, we urge you to emphasize that you attach great importance to checks and balances in a democratic system. It is also imperative that the Taiwanese government seeks a democratic consensus on this important decision through a public referendum of all people in Taiwan before the agreement is signed.

此外,立法院顯然被屏除在決策過程外,這對年輕的民主國家並非好事. 在這種背景條件之下,我們極欲強調您(指立法院)在民主體制下身負審查與制衡的重要性. 同樣的,台灣政府面對重要決策時,協約簽訂前以公投,民主的方式尋求人民共識也茲事體大.

Many in Taiwan and abroad are also concerned about the impact of closer economic ties on Taiwan’s de facto independence and sovereignty: They feel that closer economic ties will give the government in Beijing leverage to push Taiwan into further political isolation. This would make it increasingly difficult for the people of Taiwan to maintain their freedom, basic human rights and democracy, as well as to determine their own future. The problem is, of course, that China unjustifiably claims sovereignty over Taiwan and doesn’t recognize its right to exist as a free, democratic and independent nation.

許多台灣與海外人士也非常憂心發展與中國更緊密的經濟關係會對實質獨立的台灣在主權上有不良的影響: 她們擔心更傾中將使得北京政府利用此而進一步在政治上孤立台灣. 這將使得台灣人民要維持自由,人權,與民主更加困難,也勢比使得台灣人自己決定台灣未來的可能性更低(按:我是意譯,因此加入一些連結語句).當然,根本問題是,中國不切當的宣稱對台灣擁有主權,而不承認台灣是個自由民主與獨立的國家.

If Taiwan increasingly moves into the sphere of influence of a still very undemocratic China, this will have a negative impact on democracy and human rights in Taiwan itself and on its role as a beacon for democracy in East Asia. We feel that the present approach by the Ma administration is too much predicated on China having a say in how Taiwan relates to the rest of the world.

如果台灣持續地向不甚民主的中國傾斜,這將不利台灣的民主與人權,也不利台灣在整個東亞扮演的角色. 我們深感目前馬政府採取的方式過份地依賴中國解讀台灣與世界的關係(而非台灣自己積極的扮演一個角色).

In our view, Taiwan should be accepted in its own right and be able to sign free trade agreements with other nations without going through China.


We may also refer to recent statements by two of Taiwan’s strongest supporters in the US Congress, who are very critical of the proposed agreement: In a briefing on April 28, Congressman Robert Andrews referred to it as a “cage” for Taiwan from which it will be difficult to escape, while Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen referred to it as a “Trojan Horse,” one gift-horse Taiwan should not allow in because Beijing is using it as a political tool with the ultimate goal of absorbing Taiwan.

我們也認為最近美國兩位友台議員發表的聲明殊關重要: 在4/28日一個簡短聲明中Robert Andrews 議員認為
與中國簽訂ECFA將把台灣囚禁於鳥籠之中,而且再也難以逃脫;而另一位議員Ileana Ros-Lehtinen則指ECFA是特洛伊木馬,是個台灣應該拒絕的禮物因為它將與許北京對台灣施以更多政治干預,已達到併吞台灣的最終目的.

Mr Speaker, we hope you will agree with us that maintaining a free and democratic Taiwan is essential, not only for the people of Taiwan, but also for the cause of freedom and democracy in East Asia as a whole. We thus urge you to take a critical look at the proposed trade agreement and ensure that the economic, political and strategic interests of the Taiwanese people are fully safeguarded.

(敬愛的)講者,我們希望你同意我們的看法,那就是維持台灣民主與自由有其必要性,不但是為了台灣人民,還是為了整個東亞的自由民主. 我們因此敦促您採取具評論性的觀點來檢視(中國提議的)貿易協定,以確保台灣的經濟,政治,與策略性利益.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Sincerely yours,

Nat Bellocchi

Former chairman, American Institute in Taiwan

Coen Blaauw

Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Washington

Gordon G. Chang

Author, The Coming Collapse of China

Peter Chow

Professor of economics,

City College of New York

Stephane Corcuff

Associate professor of ­political science, China and Taiwan studies,

University of Lyon

Michael Danielsen

Chairman, Taiwan Corner, Copenhagen

June Teufel Dreyer

Professor of political science,

University of Miami

Norman W. Getsinger

US Foreign Service (retired); Graduate program,

The George Washington University

Terri Giles

Executive director, Formosa Foundation, Los Angeles

Michael Rand Hoare

Emeritus reader,

University of London

Thomas G. Hughes

Former chief of staff to the late Senator Claiborne Pell, Washington

Richard C. Kagan

Professor emeritus of history, Hamline University; author, Taiwan’s Statesman: Lee Teng-hui and Democracy in Asia

Jerome F. Keating

Associate professor,

National Taipei University (retired); co-author, Island in the Stream, a Quick Case Study of Taiwan’s Complex History

Hon. David Kilgour

Former member of parliament and secretary of state for Asia-Pacific, Canada

Andre Laliberte

Associate professor, School of Political Studies,

University of Ottawa

Daniel Lynch

Associate professor, School of International Relations,

University of Southern California

Victor H. Mair

Professor of Chinese language and literature,

University of Pennsylvania

Donald Rodgers

Associate professor of ­political science,

Austin College

Terence C. Russell

Associate professor of Chinese, Asian Studies Centre,

University of Manitoba

Christian Schafferer

Associate professor of international trade, Overseas Chinese University; chair of Austrian Association of East Asian Studies; editor, Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia

Michael Stainton,

York Centre for Asia Research, Toronto

Peter Tague

Professor of law,

Georgetown University

John J. Tkacik Jr

Former senior research fellow, The Heritage Foundation; former officer at the Taiwan Coordination Desk, US Department of State, Washington

Arthur Waldron

Lauder professor of ­international relations,

University of Pennsylvania

Vincent Wei-cheng Wang

Professor of political science,

University of Richmond

Gerrit van der Wees

Editor, Taiwan Communique, Washington

Michael Yahuda

Professor emeritus, London School of Economics

Stephen Yates

President, DC Asia Advisory; former deputy assistant to the US vice president for national security affairs.

Friday, May 21, 2010

轉載: Taiwanese-Americans attack ECFA

因為忙,已經非常久沒有更新部落格,連之前自由之家發佈的新聞自由評比都落掉了! 好不容易怕忘記又開始記了幾篇流水帳. 今天看到這新聞,轉貼如下. 原文在此.
'ONE-WAY TICKET': At an academic conference, one writer warned against Taiwan tying itself to Beijing through an ECFA when economic bubbles in China are set to burst
By William Lowther
Saturday, May 22, 2010, Page 1

A large group of Taiwanese-Americans have launched a three-pronged attack on an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China, claiming that it is no more than “a fast track toward annexation of Taiwan by China.”

They have sent a joint statement to US President Barack Obama calling on him to urge Taiwan’s government to conduct a public and democratic referendum on an ECFA; they have organized a Washington conference for prominent academics to condemn an ECFA; and they have released a letter from 28 major US supporters of Taiwan to Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) asking him to make a critical review of the proposed agreement.

The joint statement to Obama, backed by 16 of the largest and most influential Taiwanese-American organizations, also asks the president to negotiate a free-trade agreement with Taiwan.

It says that because China may use an ECFA to take over Taiwan, the agreement would ultimately have a negative impact on the US strategic position in East Asia.

“Annexation of Taiwan by the [People’s Republic of China] would deprive the United States of a heretofore reliable ally in the western Pacific,” the statement says. “Since Taiwan straddles the sea lanes that supply materials and energy to South Korea and Japan, the loss of Taiwan would substantially increase the vulnerability of these US allies to China’s coercion.”

In their letter to the speaker, the Taiwan supporters — including former chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan Nat Bellocchi and former deputy assistant to the vice president for National Security Affairs Stephen Yates — say they are concerned by the lack of transparency and legislative checks and balances in ECFA negotiations.

“There is no clarity on what the agreement would entail or what impact it would have on Taiwan’s economy, in particular its agriculture, small and medium-sized industries and the labor force,” the letter says. “Many in Taiwan and abroad are also concerned about the impact of closer economic ties on Taiwan’s de facto independence and sovereignty; they feel that closer economic ties will give the government in Beijing leverage to push Taiwan into further political isolation.”

The letter and the statement to Obama were released at the Washington conference of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), which featured presentations by Wu Rong-i (吳榮義), former Taiwanese deputy premier and now president of the Taiwan Braintrust; June Teufel Dreyer, a political scientist at the University of Miami; Arthur Waldron, professor of international relations at the University of Pennsylvania; and Gordon Chang (章家敦), author of The Coming Collapse of China.

Wu warned that Taiwan could be “totally marginalized” by an ECFA and that there was speculation the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) wanted to “accelerate” unification with China.

Dreyer said the Ma administration was not telling the truth about all aspects of an ECFA and that it was “doing its very best to obfuscate.”

“While it is saying that [an] ECFA is going to create 100,000 jobs, what it is not telling you is that it may destroy 200,000 jobs,” she said.

Chang said that China’s economy was on a “sugar high” and was full of economic bubbles that were getting ready to burst.

“If Taiwan ties its economy to China through an ECFA, it loses control of its economy,” he said. “If China’s bubbles burst and its economy collapses, as a number of scholars, investors and analysts have said that it might do in the next 12 months, then Taiwan’s economy could crash as well. ECFA is a one-way ticket to economic failure in China.”

Waldron said one problem in dealing with China was that trade and economic relations were not genuinely free — the currency was not convertible, exchange rates were controlled, interest rates were essentially determined.

“If Taiwan signs an agreement in which she places her economic future in the hands of another vast population that is in flux and is ungoverned by any sorts of laws, then she is giving away another piece of her autonomy and her sovereignty,” he said.

“At a minimum, we should call for a full and open discussion of this agreement so that everyone in Taiwan is fully informed of what it says and what it means. But consulting the people of Taiwan is exactly the opposite of what the negotiators want to do,” he said.

Koh Sebo, a spokesman for the Taiwanese-American associations, said that the government in Beijing wanted to use an ECFA as a tool or first step to get Taiwan into the Chinese sphere of influence and put the Taiwanese economy “firmly in the grip of China.”

“If Taiwan becomes an ­unsinkable aircraft carrier for China the whole western Pacific will be threatened,” he said.

The last word came from FAPA president Bob Yang.

“Members of the US Congress have already referred to ECFA as a ‘Trojan Horse,’ a ‘cage’ and a ‘trap.’ We agree,” he said. “The bottom line is that ECFA is a political tool that masquerades as a trade instrument to achieve China’s ultimate goal of annexing Taiwan.”

延伸閱讀: Taiwan at crossroads in relationship with China

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Legend 2010 (5): 惡地國家公園(Badlands NP)


老實說,我們,好吧!至少我,原本對於惡地國家公園(Badlands NP)的期待不高.原因之一是在羅斯福NP已經看到不少惡地地形,之二是在AZ(的石化森林國家公園, Petrified NP)也看過一些,加上惡地之所以為惡地,變化應該不多,要變化也只是規模大小,成色(因含礦物質不同)差異而已. 只要比較像本裡的第2,3,4張照片就可清楚看出顏色不同.

正因為如此, 我們只安排了半天的行程,原本應該非常充裕的, 但是 “路過”前一天因為天候沒去成的黑熊之鄉,當時天氣已經稍微放晴,又進去繞了一大圈. 於是乎到惡地已經是下午時分了.

順帶一提.中午是在Rapid City的湖南(Hunan)中餐廳用餐. 我們原本預定在Walls用餐的,因為到了黑熊之鄉,整個行程再度延後. 此外, 在第三天早上去過Devils Tower後又回到Spearfish用餐. 剛好看到金龍 (Golden Dragon)就在金龍午餐. 這是此次出遊唯二的兩餐中餐. Rapid City當然比Spearfish來得大,湖南的菜色上當然也比金龍來得多樣且精緻.


我們是從Pinnacles Entrance這個入口進去的,因為到的時間比預期晚了,沒有再往西邊走,所以Hay Butte Overlook等都沒機會去.

雖然天氣已經放晴,但天空還是灰濛,所有照片的天空還是灰暗,有點可惜. 另外,雖然用了接圖的功能,還沒研究怎麼把圖放在一起,很難描述它的壯闊. 這樣說好了! 在一開始的入口處不遠的Pinnacles Overlook花了我21張的接圖, 這樣有稍微傳達出它的壯闊了嗎? 也是這樣, 我們在這個公園一路發出的驚嘆聲都是: 好大,真的好大. 其餘無他.

這樣的開始算是給我們一個不小的震撼, 也提升我們對這個國家公園的期待. 沿著景觀道路一路往東. 我們進行的方向幾乎和絕大部分的遊客相反.不記得到達哪個overlook時,來自加州的遊客問我們是否看到動物,還問我們Pinnacles 的景觀如何,並且告訴我們接近Ben Reifel Visitor Center的 “城堡區” (Castle)非常壯觀, 不可錯過.

前一天在風洞國家公園(Wind Cave NP)拿到惡地國家公園的介紹(brochure) 時候我們還不切實際的想參加化石步道解說導覽(Fossil Exhibit Trail), 因為進度整個落後,當然也錯過了. 不過我們還是下車走了步道,這是在惡地國家公園裡唯二走的一小段步道. 因為是從西往東,我們差一點就趕不上到位於最東邊的遊客中心蓋章. 最後就在遊客中心關門前15鍾衝進去,很快瀏覽一下中心的的展覽與商店後就被趕出遊客中心了.

靠近遊客中心的城堡區的確也很壯觀,而且景觀略有不同,否則一路走來我們的驚嘆聲就是: 好大,真的好大! 真要說形狀變化的話,遠比不上土耳其的 Cappadocia. 緊鄰城堡區的還有 “窗區” (Window), 讓我想起位在猶他州的幾個國家公園也是以奇石著稱,即使如此卻各有特色,絕對值得一遊.

離開惡地後到飛彈紀念地(Missile Historic Site). 當然,我們前一晚想參加的一點半導覽也是不可能實現的願望了.這就留待後話了.

延伸閱讀: 旅人行腳之惡地國家公園

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Legend 2010 (4): Jewel Cave (珠寶洞穴) and Wind Cave (風洞)

這次重頭戲之一是參觀兩個石灰岩洞穴的景點, Jewel Cave(珠寶洞穴)Wind Cave(風洞).

一開始我們安排的行程是接連兩天的早上各去一個. 我們在前一天事先預約了Jewel Cave有導覽的風景之旅(Scenic Tour). 大概因為天氣不佳,加上我們預約最早的一團,結果只有我們一行四人, 解說員等於是我們的專屬導覽人員, 不但可依我們腳步調整速度,等我們照相,還可以幫我們拍合照,等我們做翻譯,真是幸運!

因為下雨,我們臨時把預定隔天才參觀的Wind Cave改到下午. 大概因為下午人多,加上季節(旺季)還沒正式開始, 只有亞當花園(?)一種導覽行程(Garden of Eden), 加上人數眾多(約有30人),洞穴又相對小,感覺上沒有早上的Jewel Cave來得盡興.

Jewel Cave也好,Wind Cave也是,公園的探險持續進行中.以Jewel Cave為例, 它本來是第四長的洞穴, 就在我們去的前幾週才升格成為第二長的洞穴. Jewel Cave裡面的特點應該是 “培根”或是 “爆米花”, 還有唯妙唯肖的 “培根”! 相對上Wind Cave 的地形就以蜂巢狀的Boxwork 為主.

其實在Jewel Cave 裡也有一點點的Boxwork 地形, 當然規模上比不上Wind Cave裡的. 兩個解說員對於Boxwork的解說也不盡相同. 在珠寶洞穴的解說員表示蜂巢狀的Boxwork雖然看似脆弱,實際上極為堅硬. 有一次有人員探勘時不慎弄到,卻沒有因此傷到任何一點Boxwork的結構. 相反的在風洞的解說員就強調Boxwork的脆弱, 不知道是否想要藉強調不去碰觸的參觀原則?

因為珠寶洞穴實在比風洞大得多,我問導覽人員國家公園與國家紀念地的等級劃分的依據. 根據珠寶洞穴解說員的講法是國家公園需要經過議會(不知道是參議會還是眾議會)的同意,但是國家紀念區之屬只需要總統宣布(declare)即可,因此程序上簡單的多. 雖然成為國家公園系統的程序上簡單,經費上也相對較少: 解說人員提到風洞國家公園每天提供的導覽次數多很多,旅客人數也是. 此外,解說員還告訴我們風洞國家公園並不需要事先預約, 和我們原本獲得的訊息並不相同. 建議要到此處的人先跟園區確定.

前一篇提到過住在Custer的好處. 從Custer 到Jewel Cave 和Wind Cave都很方便, 分別只要16分鐘與23分鐘. 在參觀完Jewel Cave之後我們先回到Custer 鎮上吃飯不說,還回到旅館小憩片刻,打算參加2:30的導覽團. 我想這種方便是住在原先預定的Keystone或是附近最大城市Rapid City所沒有的.

到了風洞國家公園 “預約”了大約15分鐘後開始的導覽行程後參觀展覽室的展出. 應我們要求播放的影片中提到風洞國家公園特別之處在地底下的世界,而不在地面上的. 也許如此, 地面上的部份是不收門票的. 事實上地面上的景觀除了開闊的草原外也的確讓人納悶這裡成為國家公園的資格?. 展覽室裏介紹各種特殊石灰岩地形. 的確在之後的導覽行程也見到其中(除了Boxwork之外)幾種特殊地形如frostwork等.

這裡的解說員比珠寶洞穴的解說員更強調探勘洞穴之不易,尤其在過去技術還不如現在之進步時. 雖然洞穴裡已經有照明設備,解說員特別關掉所有照明設備只留下一盞蠟燭讓遊客體會所謂燭光探勘的辛苦. 如果旺季到了,國家公園也提供所謂的燭光之旅(candlelight tour),應該會是很特別的經驗.

由於洞穴內溫度相對固定, 園區除了特殊節日外是終年開放. 這對位於緯度頗高且海拔也高的珠寶洞穴與風洞來講頗為重要—可以想像嗎? 我們是因為下雨才更改行程,而我們到達的前幾天這裡還下雪,而且是heavy snow,沿路殘雪還處處可見!

因為我們在風洞只參觀了最短的導覽行程,也許這個評論並不準確. 但是如果擇一參觀的話,我想珠寶洞穴的規模遠大於風洞. 不過既然一趟路途至此, 兩個都參觀應該是比較符合經濟效益的作法.

我想惡地地形應該值得一篇獨立的流水帳? 最後再來寫些零碎的部份,含Deadwood, Iron Mountain Road (pigtail bridges), Custer State Park, 黑熊之鄉(Bear Country) 與 飛彈紀念地(Missile Historic Site). 所以沒有意外的話,Legend 2010 這個系列應該還會有(5)與(6)兩篇. 敬請期待?!

延伸閱讀: 旅人行腳的珠寶洞穴風洞

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Legend 2010 (3) : 惡魔塔 (Devils Tower)與四個總統像(Mt. Rushmore)

這天(第三天)原本預訂到魔鬼塔和四個總統像(Mt. Rushmore),依照計畫走完行程後順便繞道附近的瘋馬酋長(Crazy Horse)紀念區. 我們在魔鬼塔與四個總統像都走了(完整的)步道.

先講魔鬼塔. 它的官方網站是:。 它其實是在懷俄明州了!不過非常靠近南北達科塔州, 我們也因此一併排進這次的行程. 巧合的是,到這裡的大約一週前剛好在加拿大的旅館內看到重播電影 “第三類接觸”, 好像是在提醒我們該去這裡了!

我們是從Sundance這端進到魔鬼塔的. Sundance在90號洲際公路有三個出口,如果要快的話走最後一個出口, 我們則是看到第一個出口就下高速公路,因此在Sundance這個鎮也繞了一圈,算是個觀光小鎮.

雖然一路上有幾個眺望點(實為遠望點), 其實可以等到進到園(紀念)區裡才開始照相. 當然啦! 使用數位相機的好處是 “底片”不用錢, 多拍幾張也無所謂. 不過相對上照出來的魔鬼塔很小,完全沒有驚人的氣勢.

關於魔鬼塔形成的原因,根據公園內的解說有三種. 後來到了珠寶洞穴(Jewel Cave)碰到的解說員則是相信火山造成的那一種. 科學說法之外還有深具故事性的印地安傳說. 當然這些都寫在遊客中心裡.

遊客中心外面還有個亭子(booth)是讓去攀爬魔鬼塔的人註冊的地方. 說是註冊,其實就是填完單子丟進信箱裡而已. 完全榮譽制. 我們走在步道上也看到一些攀岩客, 當然也看到已經爬在上面的旅客. 不過有點距離, 就算拍照存證相片上攀岩的人就跟木頭梯子(wooden ladder) 一樣看不清楚.

再來是四個總統像(Mt. Rushmore). 不到這裡也許看不出工程的浩大. 這四個總統 (華盛頓,傑佛遜,羅斯福與林肯)分別代表國家的誕生(birth),growth (成長), conversation (保存), 與development (發展). 除了這四個總統外, 餐廳裡的每根柱子上有歷屆美國總統. 另外,進到園區正面還有美國五十州的州旗,加入聯邦的時間, 以及屬地託管地的旗子. 不過並沒有各州的state seal (在波士頓近郊的Heritage Museum倒是有). 不知道國家寶藏(二) (National Treasure 2)之後這裡的遊客是否更多了?

毫無疑問的這裡完全是人工化的結果,但是走在步道上沿路常見的化石與結晶,雲母的礦石似乎在暗示我們再來的寶石洞穴(Jewel Cave NM). 我對這裡的一個抱怨是入園門票竟然不收信用卡! 不知道是當時刷卡系統故障還是什麼緣故. 而且 雖然門票號稱一年內有效, 但除了附近居民外有誰會一年內多次造訪呢?

我雖然對美國歷史了解不多,也對缺乏歷史的,用來宣揚國力強大的人工建築一向興趣缺缺,但是黃昏時間走在步道倒也舒適宜人. 我們離開這裡已經快七點,趕忙往Custer趕去.


Legend 2010 (2): 關於行前安排與羅斯福國家公園的流水帳


這次出遊的行前算是我們最鬆散的一次. 由於很多不確定性,旅館是前一天才開始定.這樣一來沒有時間慢慢和Priceline耗,試了幾次沒標到第一晚的旅館只好直接打電話去訂. 因為此時已經是出發前一天的晚上十點半了.

一開始我們是打算住在Dickinson 或是 Belfield. 前者選擇較多,不過我個人還蠻高興住到這個旅館的. 雖然它是這次出遊當中算是最貴的一晚,也沒有附早餐, 但也是最乾淨的旅館. 除了沒有附早餐,該有的都有(如上網), 而且服務人員也算親切, 可能和家庭式經營有關? 此外, Belfield離羅斯福國家公園更近,也讓停留在公園內的時間可以更長. 鎮上的(唯一?)餐廳也有一定的水準,算是不錯的選擇.

第一晚Check-in的時候問旅館女主人, 她告訴我們通常旅客只到南邊園區,不過我們原本就打算南北園區都參觀. 而且運氣不錯,北園區是當天才開放. 話雖如此我們隔天還是被臨時性的路標騙了,以為道路不通,白繞一大圈,後來決定碰運氣. 最後到了北園區的遊客中心後我們忍不住跟國家公園管理員抱怨了起來. 心想差點就錯失一個景點了. 就在我們還在參觀遊客中心的展覽時,管理員陸續接到幾通詢問電話,都是遊客打來了解園區是否開放的電話.

另一個誤打誤撞的"收穫"是住到Custer. 原本我們是打算投宿Keystone,那是最接近四個總統像(而且是個完全商業化)的小鎮. 比起來我對Medora的印象就好許多. 不過因為旅館訂得晚, 我們最後住在Custer,也是這次唯一住兩晚的旅館.

住在Custer有個好處: 以它為中心到Mt. Rushmore, Jewel Cave, Wind Cave 以及 Custer State Park都很近.鎮上有不算少的旅館與餐廳,我們試了幾家都不錯。尤其是母親節當天我們用餐的餐廳黑馬(Dark Horse)雖然寫著母親半價而且附送甜點,但其實是所有女性都半價! 最特別的是它的廁所寫的是公馬與母馬, 要上廁所時還得先想一下.

我想多講點關於旅館的經驗. 事實上如果想一次造訪上述幾個點, 我個人認為住在Custer要比住在Keystone好得多. 地點適中, 餐飲與旅館選擇不算少, 如果要體會小木屋的生活甚至可以花一晚住在Custer State Park 裡面的各個小木屋或是所謂的民宿. 這些是我們後 “開過” Custer State Park才發現到州立公園裡有不少另類住宿選擇. 如果真的住在州立公園裡的小木屋,開到Custer 鎮上用餐也算方便.

<羅斯福國家公園> 羅斯福國家公園官方網站:

要進到園區之前還有標示說你正進入另一個時區, 這是因為時區是以Little Missouri River為界, 以至於這個公園南北兩個園區竟在不同時區,也算是一大特色. (按:一個公園分兩個園區已經不稀奇了! 我第一次到仙人掌國家公園 Saguaro NP 第一次發現還大驚小怪了一番,現在想來當時真是井底之蛙,哈哈!

在North Unit (北園區): 基本上是沿著長為14哩的景觀道路走(14-miles scenic drive).起點是北園區遊客中心,我們還跟遊客中心借了小型加農砲出來照相. 北區沿途的風景點是 Longhorn Pullout >> Slump Block Pullout >> Cannonball Concretions Pullout >> Long X Trail Pullout >> River Bend Overlook >> Bentonitic Clay Overlook >> Man and Grass Pullout >> Edge of Glacier Pullout >> Oxbow Overlook.

除了加農砲石區 (Cannonball Concretions Pullout)還有River Bend Overlook (河灣鳥瞰點)下來走一小段步道外,其他風景點只有下車拍照. River Bend Overlook 的步道還蠻值得一走,路徑不長,坡度也緩, 但是到至高點後鳥瞰河谷確實眼界不同. 很難想像惡地中也有河川流過, 增添景色的變化.

雖然觀景點之一是長角鹿觀景點, 我們在北園區並沒有看到羊,也沒看到鹿. 遊客中心的服務人員說園區裡大抵有30頭,需要一點運氣才看得到 (“you will see them if you are lucky enough”).

在South Unit (南園區): 南園區比北園區大,沿著94洲際公路由東往西先來到彩繪峽谷(Painted Canyon Visitor Center),接著來到Medora 遊客中心. Medora遊客中心外面有(大)羅斯福總統當年在此地居留所宿之小木屋. 奇怪的是當時屋內並沒有廁所,莫非都回歸自然?

南區所在的Medora小鎮其實蠻有意思的. 這個鎮當然是以觀光為主,因為早上到了北園區, 中午回到Beldfield用餐順便加油,下午再到南園區. 如果只打算到南園區的人也許可以考慮在Medora 用餐. 這裡也有些汽車旅館可供住宿.

南區的景觀比北區更壯觀,但是變化也較少,基本上都是惡地地形. 北區則是草原加上惡地(還有 “加農炮” 地形). 相對上我們在南區看到的動物也比較多. 除了北區已經看到的野牛(buffalo), 南區還看到土撥鼠(prairie dog), 野生馬, 還有鹿.

我雖然不算特別喜愛動物的人,看到壯闊草原上的野牛與其他動物也興奮了起來. 喜愛動物的人應該會很喜歡這裡!

另, 我們在南區走的步道是風峽谷(wind canyon), 不過在拿到的公園地圖上並沒有標示出來.

至於北區南區孰勝?出發前朋友網誌介紹偏好北區,實地造訪後我倒是很難下定論, 我想這是個人偏好,就留給旅人們各自體會吧!

延伸閱讀: 旅人行腳的羅斯福NP

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Legend 2010 (1): 行程篇

這本來是去年的行程,但因為豬流感,去年沒成行(台灣家人沒到美國會合). 延到今年,趁著搬離此地前出遊.

這次原本預訂的景點有三個國家公園(Roosevelt NP, Wind Cave NP, Badlands NP),三個國家紀念地(Devils Tower NM, Jewel NM, Mt. Rushmore NM),一個州立公園 (Custer State Park, SD),一個私人景點(Crazy Horse),還有一個私人經營的野生動物園 (Bear County). 到了後來還加了飛彈紀念地.

由於大部分的景點集中在南達科塔州, 想要一網打盡的話不外有從東往西,或是從西往東玩起. 換個方向講,可以先北後南,或是先南後北. 此外, 點與點之間的車程不算的話, 從明尼蘇達出發的話單趟車程約有9小時.

我們最後決定由西往東,先北後南的走法. 這樣安排的好處是趁著一開始還有氣力,第一天就開到北達科塔州, 除了惡魔塔(Devils Tower) 之外,這裡幾乎是此次行程的最西點了! 如此一來,第二天起開始有景點,算是慰勞第一天的辛苦. 第三天起南下往南達科塔州,景點較為密集,車行時間相對短,比較不覺得累. 此外, 惡地國家公園(Badlands NP)是這幾個景點的最東邊,最後再玩這國家公園等於把漫漫長途的回程分成兩天,第一天先開個兩三小時的路程,玩完惡地國家公園,最後一天再趕剩下的六小時車程. 因為已經玩了幾天,想再一天開九小時車程已經不大可能了. 如果換成由東往西,先南後北玩過去就沒有這種好處. 當然啦! 如果是從西岸出發,就不妨倒過來走.

另一個好處是,相對起Badlands NP, 位在北達科塔州的羅斯福國家公園裡的惡地實在是規模小太多. 要是先看了惡地國家公園再到羅斯福國家公園恐怕會興趣缺缺.

以下是詳細行程, 黑色的是實際行程,藍色的是原先計畫行程. 調動的原因主要是配合天氣(壞天氣參觀洞內行程),其次才是因為發現新景點(國家公園管理員介紹或是在旅館看到灰狗巴士-greyhound tour行程後詢問國家公園管理員)適度調整.

Day 1 – From Minneapolis to Belfield, stay at Belfield (Cowboy Inn; Junction I-94 & Exit 42, 406 Hwy 10 East; 1-866-901-4245; #8442)

Dinner at Sanford's grub & Pub (in Dickinson, ND)
Day 2 – Roosevelt National Park (羅斯福國家公園), from Belfield to Spearfish, stay at Spearfish (Howard Johnson; 323 South 27th St.; 605-642-8105; #69173633)

Lunch at Trapper's Kettle (Belfield, ND)
Day 3 – From Spearfish to Devils Tower, from Devils Tower to Mt. Rushmore via Deadwood, Crazy Horse, stay at Custer (Days Inn; 519 Crook St. Custer, SD 57730; 605-673-4500)

Day 3— Devils Tower, Mt. Rushmore.

Lunch at Golden Dragon (Spearfish, SD), Dinner at Dark Horse (Custer, SD)
Day 4 – From Custer to Jewel Cave NM (Scenic Tour 605-673-8300), Wind Cave NP, stay at Custer (Days Inn)

Day4 – Jewel Cave NM. Crazy Horse. Bear Country.
Lunch at Dakota Cowboy (Custer, SD), Dinner at Captains Table (Custer, SD)
Day 5 – From Custer to Iron Mountain Road (pigtail bridges), Custer State Park, Bear Country, Badlands NP, Missile Historic Site, stay at Chamberlain (Best Western Lee’s Motor Inn; 220 W. King Ave. Chamberlain, SD 57325)

Lunch at Hunan Chinese Restaurant (Rapid City, SD), Dinner at Casey's (Chamberlain, SD)
Day 5— Wind Cave NP. Badlands NP.
Day 6 – From Chamberlain to Minneapolis

Lunch at Perkins

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

部落格流量(5): fight or flight?

既然你會閱讀到此文章,表示你閱讀部落格, 那麼想請問各位:

如果站在讀者的立場, 某個網站的言論頗受爭議, 你會選擇閱讀下去且留言反抗? 還是當個潛水者? 還是從此說再見? 前兩者當然增加該網站流量,後者則相反. 又, 如果你選擇第一個, 其他網友對你的言論群起攻之, 你會選擇反攻? 沉默? 還是就此離開該網站?

爭議性的問題當然容易引起注意. 我曾經看過所謂增加部落閣流量的10大秘技之類的網路文章, 發表爭議性言論(例如政治評論等)也在其中. 基本上這就是這系列文章第五篇(Fight or Flight?)想要討論的: 為了增加部落閣流量, 發表爭議性或是刻意用辛辣觀點來寫格文所造成對部落格流量的影響.

文章主題影響部落格流量大抵有兩種. 第一是透過文章寫法. 兩個基本的選擇是a) 多寫爭議性文章,採用辛辣寫法(fight), b) 強調"中間路線"(但實際上未必真是中間路線),或是正反兩方皆報導,甚至是避免爭議性話題,也就是所謂的flight策略[1].

此外,除了文章特性(爭議性否)有可能引響部落格流量之外, 爭議性的文章或話題近一步可能導致爭議性的回應, 當這種情況發生時: 身為版主又該如何回應此類留言? 是加倍反攻(fight)? 還是視而不見(flight)? 是鼓勵(或放任)各網友踴躍發言,甚至火上加油? 還是祭出"不符我者,一率刪除"的方式?

當然,我是以統計數字來分析,而我僅有的資料也是自己兩個網站為主,其他網站討論不同主題(如咖啡館的留言本汰換速度)對流量的影響為輔. 我自認我的格文辛辣者少,頂多就是政治議題的討論. 兩種基本策略分別被我歸在"瘋言瘋語"與"XXXX觀察(轉載)-MSN版"或是"旁觀者言-blogger版"兩類. 從兩類各自吸引的留言數與流量數來相互比較.

不過最近很忙碌,以致於疏於經營. 先前我曾經有一系列的文章討論部落格流量,我在第四篇裡也曾經比較兩三種(msn statistics, map, google analytics)的差別. 今天發現有篇文章(見最後摘錄)討論各種網路流量測量有異的問題又燃起我的興致. 趁自己未忘記之前,先簡短紀錄一下. 希望有機會回來補上. 以下有此系列的前四篇,可以參考.

Here are previous blogs about traffic on the blog(此系列之格文):

部落格流量1: fad or fashion?
部落格流量2: friend or foe?
部落格流量3: fact or fiction?

部落格流量4 : family feud? 從部落格流量看830嗆馬遊行的人潮數報導差異

I have been really busy these days. Therefore, this is more like a note for myself. In my earlier blogs, I mentioned the measurements of traffic on the web (to be more specific, traffic on the blog) and why they differ from each other. Here is an interesting piece.

Hope I will come back some other time to finish my recent thoughts about "traffic on the blog" and other inspirations I have had. The former, essentially is related to blog owner's take on (controversial) topics and the subsequent (unfriendly) comments. Quite a number of blog owners, in particular those who station their blog under public media (e.g., NYTimes, 聯合,中時,東森新聞), publish blogs on controversial topics to attract more attention (hence, more traffic).

Above are four blog entries on this topic. Below is the article that reminds, or inspires me to take note of my own thoughts.

FEBRUARY 20, 2010
Dot-Complicated: Measuring Traffic on the Web By CARL BIALIK
(excerpt only)

Does Facebook have more friends than Yahoo?

The social-networking site passed the Web portal in a prominent measure of Web traffic for the first time last month, according to data released this week by Web-traffic monitor Compete. But comScore and Nielsen, two rivals to Compete, both say that Yahoo retains a comfortable edge and the No. 2 spot, behind Google.

Web-traffic measurement, despite recent advances, remains fraught with conflicting numbers. The Internet's inherent accountability, stemming from the digital trace left by every Web site visit, has spawned a multitude of measures, but little clarity.

"The state of interactive measurement needs work," says Sherrill Mane, senior vice president of industry services for the Interactive Advertising Bureau, a trade group for companies that sell online advertising. "There's a lot of confusion in the marketplace."

For big sites such as Facebook and Yahoo, the differing numbers might matter chiefly for bragging rights. Smaller sites, though, say that mismeasurement of their traffic could cost them when advertisers seeking a broad reach dismiss them because of their seemingly paltry audience sizes. (<-- this suggests an interaction effect!)


[1]In current times, these responses persist, but fight and flight responses have assumed a wider range of behaviors. For example, the fight response may be manifested in angry, argumentative behavior, and the flight response may be manifested through social withdrawal, substance abuse, and even television viewing (Friedman & Silver 2007).(source: wiki)

Saturday, February 6, 2010


老師的讀譜訓練幫助我在真正彈奏前就對曲目有一定程度的熟悉. 後來老師又開始另一種訓練: 告訴我一個故事,然後要我把譜劃出來,然後老師會在鋼琴上彈奏我畫出來的譜. 我記得一開始我所有譜都是從中央C開始畫起, 老師也不置可否.

開始上幼稚園了,每次去上課老師都會問我今天發生什麼事, 然後要我用畫譜的方式把故事講出來. 又過了一陣子,老師會把同樣的旋律用不同調彈出來,然後問我這樣還是不是同樣的故事? 哪一個才是我要講的故事? 同樣的故事為什麼聽起來有不同感覺? 有時候老師會藉由不同和聲把故事複雜化或簡單化, 我想這是我最先學得調性(Tonality)的方式吧! 而且我還自然而然有了所謂的變奏曲等的基本概念.

我不知道對於其他人老師是不是都用講故事的方式讀譜? 老師雖然會把那些記號寫成中文, 我也認得一些簡單的國字, 但卻是一直到上小學才開始學ㄅㄆㄇ.不會注音符號的話可能很難做筆記吧? 因此對於年幼的我, 畫圖是很好的方式. 但是,我的圖畫完全用鉛筆構成, 就算回家之後練習也從來沒有興起著色的念頭. 的確, 我似乎從來沒有把音符和顏色聯想在一起. 聲音或是旋律對我產生的視覺聯想, 例如是故事,是影像,但不是色彩[1]. 而且這可能是個人差異. 我發現我常用影像的方式來幫助記憶. 影像之外, 節拍常讓我聯想到不同形狀. 另外, 有點像是有人用數字來記簡譜, 聲音曾經讓我產生數字的聯想, 而且Do,Re,Mi每次給我的聯想未必總是1,3,5, 不過有趣的是, 我有數次把音符與數字聯想在一起後還自以為是地歸納出一些有趣的結果,不過通用性(generalizability)往往不是很大,只能算是幾個特例. 但是,部分通則竟然到了國中以後在數學課裡學到類似的觀念,這我倒是很吃驚!

指法的部分,一開始老師要我想像手中握雞蛋的樣子把手拱起來,藉由手指抬高後往下壓的力量來觸鍵發音. 此外,老師也不容許有手腕沒有抬起,手指沒離開鍵盤前就又彈奏下個音. 也就是說,我學的是所謂的高位置觸鍵法,而我的第二個鋼琴老師則是所謂的低位置觸鍵法, 開始換老師時我曾經很不習慣. 高觸鍵法的好處是容易把鋼琴音色表現出來. 而手指沒有一根一根抬乾淨的話很容易彈出混濁的音色, 這(壞)習慣也容易伴隨用手腕壓音的彈琴動作. 雖然表面上看起來手腕出力容易,但實際上壇出來的音色很容易有壓迫感, 尤其是音階不平均時手腕就容易酸痛.

我不知道,也無從查證,老師教我高位置觸鍵法的原因到底是因為適合初學者?還是為了保護我的手腕. 不過我猜想後者若不是主因也是重要原因之一,因為每次上課開始彈琴前,老師都要先幫我按摩手指教我放鬆之後才開始彈奏. 相同的,爸媽也非常重視手的保護. 雖然發現我很小就會寫自己的名字,但爸媽一直認為要上小學後等手發育比較完全才開始寫字. 因為這樣的考量,我們都只唸了一年幼稚園,而且我們念的幼稚園是暨不會教ㄅㄆㄇ,當然也沒有作業要寫,只是去吃點心玩遊戲作美勞的那種幼稚園.

爲了確保觸鍵與指法正確,我每次彈琴時老師都會手指揮棒,要是有指法錯誤或是手指抬乾淨等情況指揮棒就會不留情的打一下. 現在回想,單單音階就彈了半年有部分原因應該是在訓練觸鍵與指法. 此外,可能自始如此訓練,我不但不能接受不乾淨俐落的彈法, 也對於過度依賴踏板營造音色的表現手法有些嫌棄.

上了小學後還是一樣去學琴. 老師要求更多,教給我的東西也更多,包含一些我後來才知道的,所謂的"樂理"的東西. 小一暑假時老師偷偷幫我報了名去參加音樂班的甄試. 說是偷偷實不為過. 有一天爸媽說下禮拜不去上鋼琴課,要帶我去考試,然後還帶我去買衣服. 我當時傻傻的不知道要考什麼, 考試前的一次鋼琴課老師告訴我要考哪些, 然後要我照平常練習的彈就可以了.

考試一共兩天. 第一天都是筆試, 就是考樂理等. 第二天是考術科,包括音階, 指定曲, 自選曲, 音感測驗與讀譜測驗. 指定曲其實也是考讀譜的能力. 一進去就是抽籤, 抽順序,然後就到外面等. 等到自己的號碼時,先彈音階, 接著抽譜,然後照譜彈曲子. 下午則是自選曲,也是照號碼進去. 接著音感測試就是像之前老師訓練我的, 一個評審彈了幾小節,要求參試者哼出來,接著講出調性與音符.

可能跟平常訓練很像,又不是特別早知道要考試, 整個考試其實沒有給我什麼壓力. 考完爸媽還帶我去吃冰淇淋算是犒賞我吧. 接下去那次的鋼琴課老師問我考得怎麼樣? 老實說, 我沒有特別感覺. 我還記得剛進去的時候因為用跑的摔一跤, 連評審都笑出來. 而且因為彈完忘記鞠躬, 快走到門口才想起老師的交代又跑回去鞠躬, 又惹評審一陣發笑. 我把這個講出來,老師也沒有特別苛責我就繼續上課.

放榜時已經快開學了! 我竟然考上. 生平第一次名字被登上報紙. 爸媽還把這剪報留著. 當時老師的學生裡除了我之外還有一個也考上, 但是老師自己姪子的小孩(要稱呼老師姨婆)卻只有備取, 必須有學生放棄才能就讀. 那時候我才知道原來老師其實算是名師, 每年都有一些學生是為了考上音樂班而拜師學藝的.

鋼琴課繼續著. 就這樣我唸到小學三年級下還是四年級上(可能是四年級), 我竟然從單槓上摔下來還摔斷右手. 一開始不知道事態嚴重, 就只是覺得痛. 等到回家右手已經整個腫起來, 媽媽帶我去找跌打骨傷的師父,發現是脫臼就把它喬回去. 因為遠房親戚有人因為沒接好以致於後來右手無法往後彎曲, 等爸爸回家後又帶我去醫院照X光看是否接好. 這時候才發現接是接好了,但是有小骨折.

我不記得裹了多久石膏,只是摔斷手對一個學音樂的人來講簡直是不可饒恕的事情. 我一直被問為什麼去玩單槓? 天曉得,我從小一就很愛而且很會爬竹竿,常常爬也沒事啊!? 音樂不學了沒關係, 但是學還是得上.

鋼琴課也因此停了一陣子. 不知道又過了多久, 手好了, 我又回去學鋼琴. 老師講了一個故事是關於一位鋼琴演奏家在戰爭中失去右手,此後只能彈奏有限的曲目. 接著, 印象非常深刻的, 我第一次看到老師嘆氣,說:最近還有個鋼琴家因為生病右手失去功能了. 長大後(大學時才知道的)我自然知道老師講的前者是Paul Wittgenstein,後者是Leon Fleisher. 只是我當初不記得名字,僅知道故事內容.

上了國中, 學區裡的國中有的是舞蹈班, 有音樂班的國中在另一個學區. 雖然在學區就讀, 斷斷續續還是學著琴. 高中後再也沒有學琴,也很少彈琴. 到了大學, 我自發性開始欣賞音樂, 幾度想學提琴,但也只是想想而已.

[1] 曾經有朋友討論到此, 據說Olivier Messiaen可以把音樂和顏色連結在一起, 而且他還能描述出非常特定而且複雜的顏色, 參考這裡:Val 一月18日的留言. 至於聲音和顏色的關聯也有,例如Scriabin's synesthesia的鍵盤.

音樂欣賞: 3 CD on works for the lef-hand
Leon Fleisher Recital - Bach/Brahms, Scriabin, Saint-SaensKorngold/ Schmidt: Music for Strings & Piano Left HandRavel, Prokofiev, Britten: Piano Works for the Left Hand

Sunday, January 31, 2010


其實在看完交響情人夢之後曾經想過要寫我對音樂教育的一些感想. 不過我一向懶惰,想想後就算了. 最近跟一些朋友或說是討論或說是聊天談到一些對某些曲子或是欣賞曲目的觀點,又激起我該把欠的文章寫一寫的想法而有此文.

想起來學校的音樂老師不算,我曾經有過三個鋼琴老師. 現在回想,我很多音樂欣賞的看法應該受到第一個鋼琴老師影響. 這篇來記載我對第一個鋼琴老師,也是我音樂啟蒙老師的一些點滴.

如果沒記錯,我大概是四歲半的時候開始學鋼琴的. 而我只上了一年幼稚園,所以學鋼琴其實可以算是我最早的"學校"教育. 現在回想,我很多音樂欣賞的看法應該受到第一個鋼琴老師影響. 雖然對我影響這麼大, 當初倒不是特別去挑選過, 只因為第一個老師其實是媽媽以前的音樂老師,學琴地點又離家裡近,這麼自然地就成為我的音樂啟蒙老師了.

我的第一個鋼琴老師對指法,拍子,整首曲子,音感都有一定的要求. 我記得一開始剛學琴的時候老師並不急著教學. 先是介紹鋼琴本身架構,她曾打開蓋子,按著琴鍵,抱我站上椅子讓我觀看那黑盒子裡的變化,了解鋼琴是怎麼發音的. 接著老師教我讀譜,還有就是調整節拍器教我數拍子.

有了這些基本了解之後接著彈奏音階. 有兩件事情我印象很深刻. 第一:在學會看譜與最基本的音階之後(由中央C開始上下各一八度), 老師會要我背對鋼琴,由她彈奏然後要我說出音符(例如高音FA,低音DO…),然後相反地她講出音符由我到鍵盤上彈出正確的音來. 事後回想這應該是訓練音感吧?!

另一件跟彈奏音階有關的記憶是上課一開始一定要先彈奏音階十次. 至少一個月吧老師只訓練我彈音階. 當時我心浮氣躁只想趕快學曲目(炫耀?),但偏偏音階彈不好老師根本不教我任何曲目. 彈音階的時候老師的要求是速度,音量與指法都必須正確. 而且左右手的力道必須一致. 這種看似容易其實最難.有點像是蛋炒飯, 要每顆飯粒均勻沾上一樣多的蛋汁而且乾濕一致,火候一致, 雖然是簡單的菜卻最容易看出功力所在.

大部分的人都有慣用手,慣用手會影響施力大小. 今天在朋友部落格提到這點, 讓我想特別講一下左右手必須均衡這一項[1]. 這就是另一個與音階練習有關的記憶了. 我記得的是, 等到我終於可以彈好基礎音階之後, 就是花式的訓練. 所謂花式大抵有兩種: 其一是到某個音或多個音必須依老師臨時指定固定升(降)半音或是調整強弱; 其二是左手彈一個八度的時間右手就得彈完所有音階,然後是左手彈兩個八度音的時間右手彈完所有音階,如此重複到左右手速度一致彈完所有音階,.接著左右手互換.最後就是這兩者的綜合版.

終於通過這關後我想已經是半年了吧! 總之老師開始願意教我彈曲子了.

開始彈曲子之後,老師都會先講故事,一來介紹作曲者,二來介紹作曲的背景. 介紹完後其實並不急著彈奏. 老師通常會帶著我先讀譜. 並且要我譜放在腿上,手先在譜上虛擬彈奏全曲,老師會校正我錯誤的指法,然後等到正確後再讓我在鋼琴上彈奏. 因為已經經過修正, 通常在鋼琴上彈奏時已經不大會有錯誤,頂多就是一些細節的調整.

事後回想這個方法影響我很大. 因為即使後來換了鋼琴老師我還是習慣這種練琴的方式. 大部分的時間我花在讀譜與 “空中彈琴”,所以實際聽到琴音的時間其實不多. 我想鄰居應該很感謝這種方式吧? 不過這方式也曾經引起誤會. 後來換了鋼琴老師之後新的鋼琴老師曾經問過媽媽我每天每首曲子練習幾次? 媽媽回想 “聽到”的次數回答一度造成新老師誤認我是懶散的學生, 但在聽我彈奏後卻又挑不出太多毛病轉而認為我很有天賦,竟然只要練習幾次就可以有這種程度. 其實一切只是誤會.

總之讀譜的習慣影響我很大, 甚至後來我已經不彈琴而只欣賞音樂時,我還是很習慣的在接觸新曲目的時候要先讀譜. 我買的幾本作曲家的傳記也都有譜的片段,或是解釋曲目,或是介紹曲目歷史沿革.

讀譜其實還有許多有趣的回憶. 也許是年紀小, 老師會將各種音符賦予圖形或是影像來幫助我了解. 例如琶音代表爬階梯, 右手兩度和弦代表兩個小朋友牽手等等. 用這種方式下讀一首新曲子的譜時,老師會先讓我用do, rei, mi,的方式讀出, 接著會問我: 那你現在告訴我這首曲子在講什麼故事? 於是乎有: “兩個小朋牽手(右手兩度和弦)一起上了五層樓梯(五個琶音)之後,一個小朋友鬆開手(一指放開)跑下樓(琶音)去應門鈴(裝飾奏)” 之類. 這種讀譜方式非常有趣. 每首曲子也總在讀譜後“栩栩如生” 印在我腦海裡. 另外,聲音強弱則由圖案大小來表示. 等到弟弟也要開始學琴時我打開琴本,最早期的有幾本還有我當初畫的"故事,"自己看了不禁莞爾. 當然,這更有可能是那時我還不大會寫字,只好用圖形來記憶;也或著是因為我記憶的方式本來就以圖像來進行的.

圖像了解法還有另一面, 不過這就等待後話再說了.



[1]不確定是否因為很小就開始訓練,還是基因使然 (媽媽打桌球或羽球尤其是反拍只會用左手),其實我的慣用手是哪手一直不是很清楚. 有些事情似乎我一開始是用左手,雖然大部分是情是用右手做. 但是所有右手會做的事情,包含寫字左手一樣可以做.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

[轉載]Taiwan's loss of independence a threat to US: expert

Taiwan's loss of independence a threat to US: expert

By William Lowther
Wednesday, Jan 27, 2010, Page 1
A leading US academic warned that if Taiwan loses its independence and becomes part of China, its impact on US interests would be “complex and dangerous.”

Nancy Tucker, an expert on Taiwan at Georgetown University in Washington, said that the US' place in Asia would “never be the same again.”

Speaking at the “Power in East Asia” conference on Monday organized by the Foreign Policy Research Institute, the professor said that a change in Taiwan's status could strengthen China and weaken the US.

“If things go badly across the [Taiwan] Strait, war could develop and the United States, regardless of its preferences, would be involved. But in the event that cross-strait dialogue breaks the current stalemate, resolves the current situation, it will have an enormous impact on the United States' mission in the region,” Tucker said.

The most important gain to such a development, Tucker said, would be peace and an end to threats of intentional or accidental war in the Taiwan Strait.

It would let the US scrap its policy of strategic ambiguity, the US and China could relax about possible military conflict, the US could minimize planning for a Taiwan contingency, and although Chinese nationalism would not disappear, “the emotional quotient would be significantly reduced,” she said.

Tucker told the conference that a general de-escalation of Chinese threats would mean better overall US-China relations and that the incorporation of Taiwan into some sort of association with China could have a “Trojan horse potential” to promote democracy in China.

But there would simultaneously be important losses.

For while there would be peace in the near term, over the longer term there would be a variety of security threats to the US’ position in the region.

China’s regional influence could be enhanced by being perceived as having solved the Taiwan issue and doing it through diplomacy rather than the use of force, she said.

US credibility with friends and allies across Southeast Asia would be diminished, as Washington would appear to have “walked away” from Taiwan, she said. Japan's sea lanes could also be jeopardized, Tucker said.

“Certainly that is one of the main things they worry about in such a situation. Tokyo might indeed give more serious thought to going nuclear. And the US presence in the region, in bases that are already controversial, could seem less necessary if there was peace in the Taiwan Strait,” she said.

Tucker said China would be free to develop more varied military capabilities, making it a less unpredictable and more flexible adversary.

There would be an end to US-Taiwan security cooperation, interoperability and arms sales.

“All of this would end despite Beijing’s assurances that Taiwan would be allowed to keep its own military — both because there would be a perception that arms sales would no longer be needed and also because the US would be less inclined to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan since military technology is already leaking across the Strait, and that would probably only escalate,” she said.

The result of all of this, Tucker said, would be that Taiwan would find itself at the mercy of Beijing if the relationship soured because Taipei could no longer effectively turn to the US once Washington had physically and psychologically removed itself from the mix.

In addition, she said, there would be an “unavoidable surrender” of US intelligence listening posts on Taiwan and that in turn would have broad implications for the US position in the region.

“China's arrogance would be stimulated with a Taiwan triumph, and an associated victory over the US,” Tucker said.

“There would be a potential blow to democracy in Taiwan. Anger and disillusionment of a large vocal minority opposed to any sort of association with China could damage the political system. As in Hong Kong today, there would likely be self-censorship and other kinds of adjustments to a non-democratic Chinese system,” she added.

China would be strengthened as the Chinese and Taiwanese economies became more integrated, and for the US this would be a problem not just because China would become a more aggressive competitor economically but also because there would be the potential for US commercial interests to be excluded, she said.

“In other words,” Tucker said, “shifting power relationships in East Asia would involve a difficult balancing act for the US even as Washington remains agnostic about the final choices made by Taiwan.”

Monday, January 25, 2010

[轉載]Taiwan’s political liberties not eroded (蘇:台灣政治自由未被侵蝕)

這是新聞局回應1/12Gerrit van der Wees單獨的公開信.新聞局什麼時候變這麼忙了?忙著跟國際友台人士打筆戰?

Taiwan’s political liberties not eroded
By Su Jun-pin 蘇俊賓 Tuesday, Jan 26, 2010, Page 8

In a recent opinion piece (“Democracy and human rights still regressing,” Jan. 12, page 8), Gerrit van der Wees said Taiwan’s freedom and democracy are being eroded. He also predicted that in the Freedom in the World 2010 survey conducted by Freedom House, Taiwan’s rankings would go down.

On the contrary, this year’s survey accords Taiwan the same near-perfect overall score of 1.5 it received in last year’s survey, sharing the same scores in the political rights and civil liberties categories as Japan, for example, and comparable to those of advanced Western democracies.

In Freedom House’s assessment, our average score of 1.5 is the result of an advance in political rights from a score of 2 to the highest score of 1, offset by a decrease in the civil liberties category from 1 to 2.

The administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) is gratified at the survey’s affirmation of our progress. At the same time, we take seriously the criticisms and recommendations of Freedom House and other organizations and individuals concerning human rights. As we continue our fight against corruption, recognized by Transparency International in its Corruption Perceptions Index 2009, we shall persevere in giving due attention to possible flaws in our judicial system that may violate human rights. (按:關於貪腐指數引用Transparency Int'l,先前Kagan也已經批評過了!沒想到蘇小賓還是不改其故啊)

Without elaborating, Van der Wees recommended that “if the Ma administration is really serious about human rights and democracy it will need to seriously rethink its approach and move toward much-needed judicial reform.”

In this regard, I would like to point out that reform of our judicial system — augmenting its ability to effectively deal with corruption and other crimes while respecting and protecting human rights — is an ongoing project that has been progressing steadily, and by all accounts quite successfully, over the past two decades thanks to cooperative efforts across the political spectrum.

Consequently, the independence and neutrality of the judiciary and the sanctity of human rights have become deeply rooted values in Taiwan — a reality evident to observers at home and abroad. Nonetheless, this administration is committed to keep pushing forward on these fronts.

Van der Wees said many observers believe that rapprochement with China has occurred at the expense of democracy and human rights. On this point, this administration’s pledge to put Taiwan first for the benefit of its people most certainly includes the preservation of Taiwan’s free and democratic way of life and rule of law.

As this applies to cross-strait relations, any new mainland policy involving the law must be approved by the legislature. At the same time, government policies and actions are constantly being scrutinized by Taiwan’s free and highly critical media.

Such processes in themselves are embodiments of freedom and democracy. Furthermore, they render it very difficult for any policy that is not supported by public opinion to be implemented. Hence, regardless of one’s views on this government’s policies, one should have faith that, ultimately, Taiwan’s system of government can and will reflect the popular will.

[轉載]Democracy and human rights still regressing(台灣民主與人權依然倒退中)

Many observers both inside and outside Taiwan are concluding that rapprochement with China has occurred at the expense of democracy and human rights.

Democracy and human rights still regressing
By Gerrit van der Wees

Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010, Page 8

As one of the signatories of the letter to president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) by a group of international academics and writers (“An open letter to Taiwan’s president,” Nov. 13, page 8), I was perplexed by the tone and content of the response from Government Information Office Minister Su Jun-pin (蘇俊賓) (“GIO response to Nov. 13 open letter,” Dec. 18, page 8).(第五號公開信的回函見此)

Instead of welcoming the suggestions of such a distinguished group of international academics, Su went into a defensive mode, used quotes from organizations such as Freedom House out of context and tried to make us believe that all is well with judicial independence and the health of Taiwan’s democracy.

Taiwan still ranked among the world’s “free” countries in 2008 and last year because of the hard work of previous governments — the pioneering work of former president Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) and the sustained progress made under former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁).

The point that minister Su seems to fail to understand is that — in the view of many international observers — Taiwan’s democracy and human rights have regressed since Ma came to office.

The “right answer” would have been to say the government would assess any shortcomings and take steps toward judicial reform.

This has also been suggested by other international academics, such as Jerome Cohen, but the only response from Taipei has been to whitewash the obvious flaws in the system and to assert that “everything is all right.”

In the next few days, Freedom House will issue its report for this year and one can bet that Taiwan’s standing in the rankings will go down.

So if the Ma administration is really serious about human rights and democracy it will need to seriously rethink its approach and move toward much-needed judicial reform.

On the issue of cross-strait relations, it is obvious that everyone is in favor of improvement. The question is: At what expense?

Many observers both inside and outside Taiwan are concluding that rapprochement with China has occurred at the expense of democracy and human rights.

It should be obvious to Su and his colleagues that this is not the right way to go about it.

In a separate response to another signatory, Richard Kagan, Su states: “The mantra that democracy in Taiwan is less robust than before utterly conflicts with reality.”

He then quotes the results of the recent local elections to prove his point.

What he fails to understand is the significant reduction in the KMT’s support has occurred because many people have doubts about the government’s adherence to basic principles of democracy and human rights.

If the Ma administration really intends to “significantly enhance the quality of our democracy” (Su’s words) it would be highly desirable if these basic principles were adhered too.

The recent beef problem with the US and the ongoing debate about an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China show that the Ma administration is still following a “top-down” approach, instead of listening to public opinion.

Gerrit van der Wees is the editor of Taiwan Communique in Washington.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

[轉載]TAIWAN’S CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYERS AND CHINA’S (孔傑榮:限制被告律師辯護,法務部勿走火入魔)==updated==

前陣子看到一些司法改革愈改愈回去的新聞我就一直在等,等孔傑榮會不會對此作文章. 針對制度面提出見解比針對個案重要且全面,不幸的是阿扁這個個案雖然凸顯問題所在,但此個案之特殊性往往模糊焦點. 由其司法系統幾次試圖追殺扁案的被告律師(見此),這問題實在很難讓人相信司法的公正性. 這在幾次國際學者給的公開信裡也都有所提及. 總之,現在終於等到這篇了!




TAIWAN’S CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYERS AND CHINA’S Jan 20th, 2010 | By USAsialawNYU | Category: Jerome A. Cohen's Blog

An edited version of this text appeared in English in the South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) on January 20, 2010 under the title “Under Threat,” and appeared in Chinese on January 21, in the China Times (Taiwan) (繁體中文).

by Jerome A. Cohen and Yu-Jie Chen

The Chinese government’s continuing attacks on human rights lawyers rarely make foreign headlines these days. Monitoring, intimidating, disbarring and prosecuting activist lawyers have become routine in China. Even the tragic “disappearance” while in police custody of defense lawyer/political reformer Gao Zhisheng–now feared to be dead–hardly attracts attention.

It is also unremarkable for even non-political Chinese defense lawyers to suffer sanctions. The recent conviction of Beijing lawyer Li Zhuang for allegedly counseling his client to lie and bribe witnesses would not have been noted abroad if the case had not involved Chongqing’s extraordinary campaign to suppress organized crime.

By contrast, the Taiwan government’s new interest in curbing vigorous defense lawyers does constitute “news”. Although Taiwan’s president Ma Ying-Jeou recently took the occasion of the island’s Law Day to call for greater government efforts to promote judicial reform and human rights, his Ministry of Justice (MOJ) has been moving in the opposite direction.


Last year, the Ministry, concerned about the conduct of ex-president Chen Shui-Bian’s defense lawyers in its ongoing corruption prosecutions against him, failed in its efforts to impose disciplinary sanctions against one of Chen’s lawyers for supposed ethical violations. Now it is trying to introduce legislation to punish “obstructions of justice” that will inevitably restrict defense lawyers’ activities.

The MOJ has proposed to amend the criminal code in several ways that threaten the modified adversarial legal system that Taiwan adopted a decade ago. Instead of supporting the equal contest between prosecutors and defense lawyers on which that system is based, the MOJ proposals, reflecting traditional Chinese distrust of defense lawyers, would subject Taiwan’s lawyers to some of the same dangers confronted by their counterparts in China, including significant prison time.


One amendment would punish anyone, including lawyers, for abetting defendants or others to “fabricate, alter, destroy or conceal” important evidence in criminal cases, even when their advice has been ignored and caused no harm! Further, it would punish anyone for abetting defendants to make false statements concerning important facts in trial or investigation. Thus, if a court rejects the defendant’s claim that his pre-trial confession was coerced by police, his lawyers might be prosecuted for having urged him to repudiate the confession. This “Sword of Damocles” hangs over Mainland lawyers, sometimes intimidating them from giving such advice, despite the prevalence of pre-trial torture.

修正草案其中一條擬處罰「使」被告或他人「偽造、變造、湮滅或隱匿」於刑事案件「有重要關係之證據」之行為,處罰對象包括一般人和律師。草案針對的是唆使行為,即使是被唆使的人沒有著手實施犯罪,也沒有任何實害發生,唆使行為也會成罪!此外,草案也懲罰「使被告」於審判或偵查時「就案情有重要關係之事項為虛偽陳述」之行為。如此一來,如果被告抗辯說審判前的自白是警方刑求而來,但法院不予採信的話,被告律師可能會因為建議被告推翻自白而被起訴。在中國大陸,這樣的風險像「達摩克里斯之劍(Sword of Damocles)」一樣,長期懸在律師的頭上,時刻威脅著律師,因此,即使刑訊逼供在中國相當普遍,律師有時也不敢建議當事人提出刑求抗辯。

Equally troublesome is the proposal to punish “illegitimate use” of important evidence outside of court. But what use is “illegitimate” and what evidence is “important”? The MOJ has stated that the provision is meant, among other things, to prevent documents from public trials being revealed at press conferences. Yet this would prevent freedom of speech and information essential to monitoring of the judicial process by the media and the people. Such restrictions, to the extent they exist in other democratic societies, are generally justified by the need to protect jury deliberations against media pressures, but Taiwan has no juries.


Even more problematic is the proposal to punish lawyers not only for contempt of court but also for contempt of prosecutors! Legal systems require effective and fair procedures for punishing refusal to heed reasonable court orders. But, in a system where lawyers and prosecutors are supposed to be equal competitors in their efforts to persuade a neutral judge, it is ludicrous to punish lawyers for failing to obey prosecutors.


MOJ officials do not seem to realize that, under Taiwan’s new adversarial system, for most purposes prosecutors can no longer be regarded as members of the “judiciary”. Their status and functions are very different from those of judges.


The proposals–not yet submitted to the legislature–have understandably aroused strong opposition from the legal profession. Although the MOJ has stressed that the proposals are not targeted at lawyers, they will have an adverse impact upon lawyers’ defense work. If they are enacted, Taiwan is sure to be further downgraded in the civil liberties ratings of major non-governmental organizations such as Freedom House, a strong American supporter that last week criticized recent setbacks in the island’s protection of criminal defendants’ rights.


It is far from clear that additional restrictions on defense lawyers are needed to guard against “obstructions of justice” in Taiwan. The MOJ has cited no empirical studies to show that existing laws and ethical rules are inadequate. Moreover, the vague language of each proposed criminal prohibition is an invitation to abuse and confusion that would inhibit the robust defense lawyering that a fair justice system requires.


Every country needs effective administration of justice. Yet, every country also needs vigorous lawyers to check abuses of the criminal process. If these MOJ proposals are enacted, the plight of Taiwan’s defense lawyers may begin to resemble that of their Chinese counterparts.