Sunday, November 7, 2010

偽 News Rumble (updated x2)

"The judiciary needs to be independent but it cannot be isolated from society or betray public expectations," Ma said.

引述這段話不是我對個案的關注, 而是洞穴奇案裡的法官之ㄧHandy 所持的理由正是司法判決要考慮民意. 司法判決考慮民意還是獨立的司法判決嗎? 這是我閱讀筆記想要討論的重點之ㄧ,也是引述這段話的原因之一. 其二是, 最近(昨天)看了一片和司法有關的電影: Conviction, 當中讓我對日前台灣要不要廢死? 的爭議有了一點反思. 有空再來聊聊洞穴奇案一書和Conviction一片.

最近有點忙,想寫的除了放在一個旅人,在冬夜(2)裡的之外其實還有好幾個.  怕想法最後胎死腹中, 先簡短對照兩句話.

"President Ma Ying-jeou's stand is that he respects the judiciary and he does not interfere with individual cases," he said. "At the same time he hopes that the judiciary will behave in a way that does not induce improper political reactions on the part of the public."
          ( from: Mentor urges Taiwan's Ma to ensure trial fairness, AP, 1/17/2009)

漢譯: 「馬英九總統的立場是,他尊重司法,不會干預個案,」他說。「同時他也希望法官的表現不會引起民眾有不當的政治反應。」

           (from:Ma vows reform after Chen's acquittal,Nov 7, 2010, AFP, Strait Times.) 

除了法新社, 同一段話也被引用在AP的報導裡:

Current President Ma Ying-jeou appeared to question the court's decision as well.

"The judiciary needs to be independent but it cannot be isolated from society or betray public expectations," Ma said.

(from : Taiwan prosecutors to appeal ex-leader's acquittal, Nov8, 2010, AP)

漢譯: 「我身為總統不便加以評論,司法當然應該要獨立,但是不能孤立於社會,更不能悖離人民對司法合理的期待。」

引用的第一一句話的當初(2009年一月)正是閱讀洞穴奇案一書之時,現在書看完了. 感想還沒寫.

引述這段話不是我對個案的關注, 而是洞穴奇案裡的法官之ㄧHandy 所持的理由正是司法判決要考慮民意. 雖然最後維持有罪的判決, Handy認為判決應考慮民意而認為被告無罪.

司法判決考慮民意還是獨立的司法判決嗎? 這是引用該話的原因之一,也是讀後感想討論的重點之一. 我是說,如果最後讀後感有寫出來.  其二是最近看了一片和司法有關的電影: Conviction, 當中讓我對日前台灣要不要廢死? 的爭議有了一點反思.


既是偽, 必有真. 真的news rumble 在此.

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