Tuesday, September 14, 2010

(updated)手工藝品(1):自製花瓶/置遙控器架 [My craft art (1): vase/remote control holder]

整天收東西實在很煩,其實是我本來就是個沒耐心的人,搬家時後的打包,有80%要靠DG相助, 就利用手邊一些廢物來自製手工藝品. 偏偏手又不巧, 成品不怎麼高明. 但還是臉皮厚得貼出來給大家評評分.
Bored by whole day unpacking, I decided to hand make some home decoratings.  Yet, I am all thumbs.  So, how would you expect the quality of the finished art? 

Here are the materials.

  • 包裝東西剩下的絲與綢
  • 新買家具(忘記哪個家具)包裝留下的厚紙板四片,這次用了兩片
  • 包碗盤帶過來的廢紙若干
As you can see, all materials are recycled.  Those are materails from wrapping, materials from furtinure packing foams and cartons, and etc.

This is the finished art.

我桌子太亂,只能擺在DG這邊照. 再來是和Hallway table照一張. 原先的構想是拿來插乾燥花,然後放到hallway table 上.  可是, 家裡又沒有乾燥花. (謎之音:那你做花瓶幹麻? ㄟ,都說了嘛!整理東西很無聊啊~總要找點樂子咩)

The original thought was to use it as a vase and put it on the hallway table with dry flowers.  But there are no dry flowers, so why would I need a vase for? Well, as I mentioned earlier:  I am bored by endless unpacking. A little art work is just good to kill some time.

There are, in fact, some dry flowers but they are stemless and cannot be upheld at all.

沒關係,放到bookcase divider上還是可以看出我對色系搭配的講究...對,又開始自誇了...
It's okay, at least the colors match perfectly with the bookcase divider and the runner.  This should show my elegant taste...Please show some respect here and tolerate my bragging...

不過既然沒有乾燥花可以插, 那就先拿來擺電視遙控器吧!
The alternative usage is-- a remote control holder!

放了三張,分別是用三種不同模式照的.依序(應該是) 快門優先,光圈優先,與一般近照.  如果有誤請指點,我搞不清楚哪種是哪種,都只是亂照而已.
Okay.  I was just trying 3 different modes of the camera.  

最後,請各位給分吧! 滿分100. 我都說成品不怎麼高明了,請放心給分!
So how many scores will you give it to this art work?  (Full score=100) Well, there is no accounting for the taste.  So please just feel free to assign your scores. I will just claim all the credits and ignore any criticism. ^^

話說昨天去領回訂做的拼圖框時,就順便買了假花. 照片在此. 小時候念國文課文有一課說,一個邋遢的人收到一束鮮花後,為了陪襯那束鮮花,先是找花瓶,繼而打掃房子. 讓整間房子瞬間煥然一新.  那我這廢物利用做的花瓶後,去買假花難不成是reversed 版的一束鮮花嗎?

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