Thursday, October 21, 2010

美聯社(AP)專訪馬總統之報導爭議 與 美聯社的回應: what does it mean by "So, do I understand you correctly that..." (updated on 11/7)

我本來不想寫這個的(已經很久沒寫政治相關新聞了!) ,但, 有人問我對這次AP新聞的看法,聯合報這篇和我看法差不多,那就是: 為什麼一定要用英文回答呢???
這是聯合報的報導: 觀察站/馬總統愛用英文受訪,常被曲解…

兩年來,總統接受外媒專訪出包,美聯社並非頭一回,從墨西哥太陽報、華爾街日報、CNN等各大媒體專訪,大小狀況不斷,馬總統必須檢討的可能是,為何講過多次的兩岸論述,總是在用英文受訪時,被老外「誤解扭曲」? (聯合報)

就像該報導說的,這不是第一次被誤解, 所以我也就沒特別去看詳細的歧見在哪. 一直到今天從我常去的部落格之一(MJ:簡單說英文),循線(連結)看到所謂的中英對照, 覺得這中文翻譯不大對.

我把奇怪的地方用紅色標示. 如果是我翻, 我會翻成以下:

AP: So, do I understand you correctly that, if economic issues are resolved during your second term, during that term, you might move on to political questions?

我的翻譯: (所以),如果我正確解讀你剛剛說的話, 如果在第二任(總統任)期內經濟問題都解決了,屆時你可能會與對岸討論政治問題?


最後,恕我駑鈍,我看不出第一點關於AP報導統一問題上, 有什麼問題耶? 看得懂得人可以解釋一下嗎?

AP: Would the policy that you’re spelling out carry through a second term, were you to be reelected? Is just this period that you’re talking about—of economic outreach, travel back and forth but not political dialogue—does that carry through a second administration, or is that a commitment that you made for the first administration?

President Ma: Well, it depends on how fast we move with our relations with the mainland. For instance, now, we are almost two-and-a-half years into my presidency and we have achieved 14 agreements with the mainland. But we haven’t finished the important ones, for instance, an investment guarantee agreement, a dispute settlement agreement. And for our trade, in terms of tariff concessions and non-tariff barriers, we have only reached the first phase on the negotiations—that is what we call the “early harvest.” So the two sides will return to the negotiating table next year to discuss the rest of the trade and other relationships. So we still have our hands full with all these economic issues because, you see, the two sides have a trade volume of overUS$100 billion and we haven’t got any mechanism for dispute settlement and for a number of things that will exist between two normal economic entities. That is exactly what we want to do. We are not intentionally delaying the talks of political issues, but certainly, the economic ones are more important to people here, and people also support the idea of economy first, politics later.

AP: So, do I understand you correctly that, if economic issues are resolved during your second term, during that term, you might move on to political questions?

President Ma: As I said, it depends on how fast we move, whether these issues are satisfactorily resolved, and of course all the policies regarding the mainland are very sensitive, and we certainly will also make decisions on generally whether the decision receives popular support. (後略)





10/23/2010:  美聯社回應馬政府的抗議如下. 重點有二:
AP responds to Taiwan government's protest 美聯社回應馬政府的抗議表示,AP了解這議題的敏感,但相信AP公平解讀原文.
We understand that this is a very sensitive and important issue for the government and people of Taiwan. We believe that a fair reading of the interview transcript and the article shows that the AP conveyed the essential facts about Ma's views. However, we understand the issues that have led to the complaint, " said John Daniszewski, the AP's senior Managing Editor.
另一個重點: AP強調雙方歧見只是對訪問重點(matters of emphasis)不同.
Instead of an apology, the article said that "the government of Taiwan has objected to an AP dispatch based on an interview Tuesday with President Ma Ying-jeou, saying that certain paraphrases used in the article distorted the president's message and contained errors of emphasis and fact.

"The objections cited by Chiang and other government officials were mainly matters of emphasis," Daniszewski was quoted as saying.
火大,總統府在澄清什麼? 這是上次總統對外電談到統一問題的回應. 看來是不是有種似曾相似的感覺呢?

1 comment:

Deadlockcp said...

