Saturday, December 13, 2008

[轉載] IFJ: Government Interference, Puts Strain on Taiwan Public Media 政府干預, 對公視施壓

這是繼上次政府對中央社出手干預新聞自由後又一個箝制新聞自由的動作. 這次的對象是公視, IFJ對此發表的新聞稿. 翻譯已補於下(午睡起來翻的, 腦筋不清醒, 翻錯請各位提出指正,謝謝).

至於中文報導,可以參考: 公視抗議藍委干涉新聞自由

這裡是公視的聲明稿: 財團法人公共電視文化事業基金會聲明. 其中提到


Government Interference Puts Strain on Taiwan Public Media (12/11)

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) holds grave concerns for the status of independent public media in Taiwan after the country’s legislature announced increased control of funds, news reporting and programming of the national public television network.


According to media reports, on December 9 the Educational and Cultural Affairs Committee and the Interior Affairs Committee of the Legislative Yuan approved resolutions proposed by the ruling Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) to enforce strict regulations on the operation and programming of the Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS). The service includes Hakka Television, Indigenous Television and the China Television Service.

根據媒體報導指出,十二月九日立法院 教育文化委員會與內政委員會通過國民黨團提案的審核公共電視的預算動支情形,以進一步審核其營運與節目策劃.公共電視提供的服務包含客家電視台,原住民電視台語與華視.

The move comes one year after the legislature froze NT$450 million (about US$14 million) in funding for all programs under the auspices of the Public Service Television Foundation. The freeze affects half of the PTS annual budget.

去年立法院凍結公視九十七年度4.5億的預算(約美金一千四百萬). 此舉影響一半之公視年度預算.

In a statement on December 10, PTS said the new regulations, under which four of its channels could only disburse programming and production budgets after ”item-by-item government approval”, were “unjustified interference in our independence”.

十二月十日公視發表聲明表示, 新的立法院決議明白要求公視下的四個電視台每一筆錢的使用都要經過新聞局核准,所有的節目都要送審(見公視的聲明裡之「要求各台於執行明年度預算時須逐項報請主管機關核可同意始能動支,更明文要求原住民族委員會、客家委員會、僑務委員會等機關要對所主管之電視台執行節目製播、審核、監督之責。」), 此過度之干預將「嚴重侵害媒體獨立自主之精神」(這裡我直接引用公視的聲明,也就是我是意譯而不是逐字譯).

It had sought but failed to gain a clear explanation from government bodies of the rationale for the freeze.


“The Taiwan Government’s efforts to exert strict controls on public television is a significant setback for Taiwan’s media profession, whose ability to provide independent information and commentary to the general public is increasingly restricted,” IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said.

「台灣政府試圖更嚴格控制公視的行徑已經嚴重傷害台灣媒體之專業, 台灣媒體得以獨立對大眾傳播意見的能力已經大幅被限縮」, 國際記者協會執行長Jacqueline Park表示.

“Journalism conducted in the spirit of public service is one of the pillars of democratic freedom. Heavy regulation of public media will undermine the right to freedom of expression of Taiwan, and thus the country’s democracy.”

「新聞以公共服務的方式呈現是民主自由的支柱之一. 過度規範公共媒體將迫害表達的自由與台灣的民主」

The IFJ calls for an independent review of the resolutions passed by Taiwan’s legislature and an investigation into the reasons for blocking funding to PTS.

國際記者協會要求獨立審查立法院的決議, 並調查凍結公視預算的原因.

For further information contact IFJ Asia-Pacific on +612 9333 0919
The IFJ represents over 600,000 journalists in 120 countries worldwide

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