
歷史一再重演. 像發布訃聞般,一次次宣告人權與和平的垂亡, 讓人不忍卒賭.
幾天前( 2/13/2008)大導演史蒂芬史匹柏(Spielberg)拒絕擔任即將到來的北京奧運藝術總監, 這個決定剛好在由八個諾貝爾和平獎得主,奧運選手與議員等聯合具名的抗議信傳遞給胡景濤的幾小時之後. Spielberg的聲明說到, 參與北京奧運無異於縱容北京在蘇丹的種族屠殺的人權悲劇裡扮演的角色, 他不願花時間與精力在此. ("My time and energy must be spent not on Olympic ceremonies, but on doing all I can to help bring an end to the unspeakable crimes against humanity that continue to be committed in Darfur. Sudan's government bears the bulk of the responsibility for these on-going crimes but the international community, and particularly China, should be doing more to end the continuing human suffering there." )
史氏的決定,當然是道德正確的. (Mr. Spielberg's decision had to be difficult, but it is morally unassailable.) 在Spielberg拒絕擔任藝術總監之前,早有演員(Mia Farrow)認為如果Spielberg不拒絕藝術總監之職,那他根本是為虎做倀, 化身自己為當年納粹奧運的藝術總監萊尼‧里芬斯塔爾(Leni Riefenstahl), 假奧運之名 ,行納粹推廣之實(Farrow criticized Spielberg, saying the director "lent his mantle to an undeserving recipient." Previously, Farrow said that Spielberg risked being this generation's Leni Riefenstahl if he continued to help the Chinese stage the ceremonies.)
回顧歷史. 1936年的納粹奧運當然也曾受到國際壓力,包含美國在內,曾考慮抵制認為參與奧運不啻於默認或鼓吹納粹. 持反面意見的則認為奧運無關政治,只關乎運動(The United States considered boycotting as a nation since participating in the festivity might be considered as support for the Nazi Germany regime and its Anti-Semitic policies. However, others argued that the Olympic Games should not be a reflection of political views but strictly a contest of the greatest athletes.)
政治真的跟運動無關嗎? 1936, 七十幾年前的此時,納粹德國正是藉著奧運主辦國的光環,進行著先地圖上,後軍事上的政治併吞事實. 奧運歌誦和平的鐘聲,聽在捷克斯洛伐克人的耳裡,比喪鍾更沉重.
歷史一再重演, 只是這次劇本更加辛辣諷刺. 奧運原本為鼓吹自由和平,運動本提倡運動家精神, 然而現在奧運儼然成為政治力的競技場, 於是乎聖火傳遞路線卻成為宣示主權或反矮化的政治角力. 甚至連各級運動比賽也成為主辦者政治立場的公開宣示.於是小到連在台灣辦的競賽都有當地市長不許國民攜帶國旗進場,卻允許五星旗當空飄揚, 觀眾彷彿身在中國看一場於台灣上演的比賽(déjà vécu!?). 於是乎我們不能唱國歌,不能升國旗,卻還要含辱爭取參與. 於是乎非洲蘇丹的達爾富爾種族屠殺,還要在中國軍事後援下,繼續血淚進行著.
歷史一再重演, 像發布訃聞般,一次次宣告(達爾富爾的)人權與(海峽兩岸)和平的垂亡, 讓人不忍卒賭.
Spielberg Quits Role In Olympic Ceremonies
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