Monday, June 2, 2008


這件事情以前,我猜測沒有多少人會用國際巨星來描述莎朗史東.而我自己應該會用過氣明星來形容她. 這件事情以後, 我猜測大眾對她看法分歧.但如果有人問我, 我對她竟然萌生佩服. 為什麼呢?

這是昨天(六月一日)紐約時報刊載的. (看看別人媒體可以如何正反面都報導,台灣媒體學著點吧!)
Actress Stone and Dior Differ Over Apology By CATHY HORYN Published: June 1, 2008

最前面的三段我就不摘錄了,總之是前情提要(可參考這篇),敘述她之前惹爭議的報應說以及之後Dior上海辦公室以她之名發表的道歉說. 有興趣者自己看.


In the 45-minute telephone interview Thursday night, Ms. Stone was at first strident and then contrite about her remarks. She insisted her comments in Cannes had been taken out of context. She also said that she resisted Dior’s efforts at damage control, and that the apology issued in her name distorted her words.
她表示她的話被斷章取義或穿鑿附會(had been taken out of context)了(看到沒!!台灣媒體!!)!而Dior辦公室以她之名的道歉聲明(the apology issued in her name)更是扭曲了她的原意(distorted her words).

Early last week, Ms. Stone said, she received a call from Sidney Toledano, the chief executive of Dior, which hired the actress for beauty advertisements in 2005. “I talked to Sidney and I said: ‘Let’s get serious here. You guys know me very well. I’m not going to apologize. I’m certainly not going to apologize for something that isn’t real and true — not for face creams.’ ”
她提到,她不會為了不是事實的事情,更不會為了(她代理的)面霜(銷路)而道歉(not going to apologize for something that isn't real and true-not for face creams).

Ms. Stone said the interview in Cannes with her remarks about Tibet and karma came at the end of a media line of 80 to 100 television crews. She believes, but is not certain, the interviewer was from a Hong Kong television station. The call letters on the microphone are blurred out on Internet sites showing the video.
Like many European luxury brands, Dior, which reported double-digit growth in China for the first three months of the year, looks to emerging consumer markets as a major source of revenue, and it is eager to avoid causing offense. In April, a pro-Tibetan demonstration during the Olympic torch relay in Paris brought calls in China to boycott the French retailer Carrefour.
就如同其他歐洲品牌看準中國新興市場, Dior在中國第一季(前三個月)有兩位數的成長, 也因此急於澄清以避免引起反彈. (前車之鑑,)在(不久前的)四月,法商家樂福就曾因為奧運聖火在法國巴黎被撲滅或抗議而在中國市場被杯葛.

Ms. Stone said that she told Mr. Toledano of Dior that since she didn’t believe she had done anything wrong, why didn’t Dior let her clarify her remarks with a statement? That statement, which Cindi Berger, a publicist for Ms. Stone, sent to The New York Times in an e-mail message, said, in part: “I am deeply saddened that a 10-second poorly edited film clip has besmirched my reputation of over 20 years of charitable services on behalf of international charities. My intention is to be of service to the Chinese people.” She expressed sympathy for the earthquake victims and said she regretted if her comments in Cannes were misunderstood.
她不認為她做錯事, 既然如此她希望Dior讓她發表聲明澄清事情. 她很難過那10秒鐘被醜陋剪接的影片,就如同一顆老鼠屎,污名了也否定了她過去20年來為了國際慈善事業做的所有努力. 而且她的初衷(my intention)是在為中國人民服務,也替災民感到同情.她很遺憾如果她的談話被誤解(regretted if her comments in Cannes were misunderstood).

Yet the apology released in Ms. Stone’s name by Dior’s office in Shanghai bears little resemblance to the original, and the difference seemed to irritate the star.
然而, Dior辦公室發表的道歉與她的原意大不相同(bears little resemblance to the original),而這個差異惹惱了史東.

“It makes it appear that I’m in agreement that I did a bad thing,” Ms. Stone said, adding that she believes the statement was not a poor translation but rather rewritten. It is unclear who at Dior provided the statement to the Chinese news media.
因為這個道歉聲明讓她看起來像是承認自己做錯壞事情(makes it appear that I'm in agreement that I did a bad thing).而她認為這個聲明之所以走樣,不是因為翻譯,而是根本被整個改寫(was not a poor translation but rather rewritten).

對照於Dior亟於保住市場而做的道歉申明, 莎朗史東不願意背黑鍋,也有所堅持, 她為引起紛爭而道歉(“I am really sorry that it created such a thing,” she said),但不是為了說錯話或為了生意(面霜)考量而道歉.

我可以了解Dior的立場與處理. 但我更想用"不卑不亢,不忮不求"來形容莎朗史東.希望台灣的政客們也好,媒體也好,在與中國談判或報導中國相關新聞時也能持有相同的態度. (例如某人,馬總統到了對岸變成馬先生.真是可笑至極.又例如某人, 選前說自己是正港台灣人, 選後卻不願意發行台灣郵票--不知道馬先生要不要也考率一下把凱達格蘭大道改回介壽路啊?! ....這些人,連一個明星,甚至是個過氣的明星都遠遠比不上啊!)

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