Monday, April 20, 2009

轉載: Jackie Chan's China comments prompt backlash (AP)


只要對照前兩天我post 的WSJ的那段摘錄:
human rights isn't an either-or trade between wealth and freedom. Economic prosperity rests on the protection of basic civil liberties such as the right to free speech, free association and equal protection under law.

與Huang Wei-che(黃偉哲)對成龍笑話的批評:
Huang Wei-che said Chan himself "has enjoyed freedom and democracy and has reaped the economic benefits of capitalism. But he has yet to grasp the true meaning of freedom and democracy."

就可知道誰頭腦有問題. 還記得他偷腥曝光後說什麼他犯了全天下男人都會犯的錯嗎? 拜託, 請不要拉全天下男人下水. 說自己管不住自己的下半身就好了. 現在也是,說成龍奴性重可能還太便宜他了, 他應該把妻兒接回需要被"控制"(control)的中國住啊, 妻兒住加拿大算什麼呢? 趕快把妻兒接去住在屬於她們被管制的地方啊! 還是他沒有辦法管住妻兒讓她們去住在他口中應該被管制的地方呢?

的確, 這對一個連自己半身都管不住的人來講真的太難了, 自己都管不了了還要他管誰? 是的, 他的確需要被控制,只是習慣性的又要拖一堆人如香港和台灣下水! 

還好我是台灣人,不是中國人,我不需要被"控制". 還好我本來對他的電影就沒什麼興趣, 從此拒看一點都不困難啊!

還有,那些要來跟我講什麼台灣人也是中國人的人,請省了, 驗了DNA之前確認自己完全沒有平埔族南島血統的話你個人可以開心宣示你是純種中國人, 但是請不用把你自己的想法強加到我頭上, 就像喜歡被控制的成龍請不用拖別人下水一樣.

Jackie Chan's China comments prompt backlash (AP)

Source: AP Sun Apr 19, 2009, 4:20 am EDT

HONG KONG - Action star Jackie Chan 's comments wondering whether Chinese people "need to be controlled" have drawn sharp rebuke in his native Hong Kong and in Taiwan .
Chan told a business forum in the southern Chinese province of Hainan that a free society may not be beneficial for China 's authoritarian mainland.

"I'm not sure if it's good to have freedom or not," Chan said Saturday. "I'm gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we're not being controlled, we'll just do what we want."

He went on to say that freedoms in Hong Kong and Taiwan made those societies "chaotic."
Chan's comments drew applause from a predominantly Chinese audience of business leaders, but did not sit well with lawmakers in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

"He's insulted the Chinese people. Chinese people aren't pets," Hong Kong pro-democracy legislator Leung Kwok-hung told The Associated Press. "Chinese society needs a democratic system to protect human rights and rule of law."

Another lawmaker, Albert Ho, called the comments "racist," adding: "People around the world are running their own countries. Why can't Chinese do the same?"

Former British colony Hong Kong enjoys Western-style civil liberties and some democratic elections under Chinese rule. Half of its 60-member legislature is elected, with the other half picked by special interest groups. But Hong Kong's leader is chosen by a panel stacked with Beijing loyalists.

In democratically self-ruled Taiwan, which split from mainland China during a civil war in 1949, legislator Huang Wei-che said Chan himself "has enjoyed freedom and democracy and has reaped the economic benefits of capitalism. But he has yet to grasp the true meaning of freedom and democracy."

Chan's comments were reported by news outlets in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but were ignored by the mainland Chinese press.

Although Chan was a fierce critic of the brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing's Tiananmen Square in June 1989, which killed at least hundreds, he has not publicly criticized China's government in recent years and is immensely popular on the mainland.

He performed during the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics and took part in the Olympic torch relay .

Chan also is vice chairman of the China Film Association, a key industry group.
Associated Press writer Annie Huang in Taipei contributed to this report.

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