Tuesday, October 7, 2008

寫給朋友的情書(0): 寫在前面

最近有很多感想. 真要說得從朋友David的車禍過世說起. 得知朋友過世的當天我就寫了一篇短文紀念他. 當時我有一段往事沒有放上來, 只跟朋友R也就是第一個打電話通知我這個惡耗的朋友提. 是這樣的一段往事--

番茄祭展開 says:
他去新加坡的時候 剛好T(祖德的前女友)轉機住我那裡幾天
番茄祭展開 says:
祖德是先和我約好的 我問T去不去
番茄祭展開 says:
番茄祭展開 says:
番茄祭展開 says:
就跟祖德改時間 只匆忙見一面而已
番茄祭展開 says:
後來他到AZ時 我提起這件事
番茄祭展開 says:
我說當時怕T尷尬 只好臨時跟他改
Ralph@TX says:
番茄祭展開 says:
番茄祭展開 says:
祖德說 沒關係 他了解
番茄祭展開 says:
我真的很慶幸當時有跟他講 不然我會遺憾

唸書時我跟祖德不算熟的, 又這樣放他鴿子, 我心裡其實非常介意. 可是當時我卻也沒辦法告訴他我必須爽約的原因. 就這樣抱著愧疚的心情過了幾年,沒想到老天對我這麼好,給了我一個彌補的機會--祖德在2005到AZ找我. 老天真的是對我很好. 祖德其實本來是想在芝加哥出差後到德州去的, 因為他申請到Rice,卻因為結婚沒去讀,因此至少想去看看.沒想到當時在德州的R剛好大女兒剛出生兩週,沒辦法招待, 祖德才因此決定到AZ. 說不上受寵若驚, 但是我很高興他還認這個對他失約的朋友, 也因此我當時就決定要告訴他2000年時失約的真正緣故.我心中的負擔頓時解除,也更珍惜這個朋友. 我不敢想像,如果我當時沒有把話說清楚,那今天我會如何遺憾啊!

最近不順遂的人很多,可能包括我自己. 這不是我人生第一個低潮, 大概也不會是最後一個, 但是比起來, 還是有很多值得感謝的. 這是我今天回給朋友L, 一個處於低潮中的朋友的其中一段:

3 weeks ago, one of my NTU classmates was killed in a car accident. His son was only 9 months old. The parents from both sides were so against their marriage but eventually gave way with the birth of the child. He worked so hard to earn the recognition from his wife's parents. Everything looked fine for a couple of years but then he was gone! I was so shocked and sad to hear this bad news. And I don't know how to help his wife to get through this tough period of time. Maybe he has accomplished his mission in this life-- to get recognition from his parents-in-law, so now he is gone. Our classmates helped arrange the funnel, and setup a blog to memorize him, and most importantly, to let his son knows more about the father after the son grows up. I see the glory of humanities from a sad accident. It's not fair and even cruel to his beloved, but we as a bystander learn from this tragedy. I cherish lives even more and appreciate how lucky I was that I can survive the car accident 2 years ago. It also pushes me to express our appreciation and thoughts to those we care for.

Whatever happens, it happens with a reason. Regardless we understand it or not. So keep smiling when you can; cherish what you still have when mishap happens, not lament on what you lose. You always have friends with you who are willing to listen to you and support you--this is a great gift, isn't it?

是的, 生離死別真的是上天用來教育我們的一門功課. 我想到很多事情該做,很多話想說卻沒說, 現在我想要勇敢的說出來. 因此,我本來想紀錄這些叫它們是未曾寄出的情書, 現在我要一步步走出,一封封寄出. 如果你們收到那情書, 我希望你們了解我曾有的遺憾甚至諒解我曾有的過失; 我更希望你們開心,開心在我心中你們是我的朋友.

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