Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dear Visitors, If I Have Told You....親愛的訪客, 如果我曾告訴你......

網路上已經有太多警察暴力的影片. 我不想再加了.多看只是多心痛,多悲憤而已. 就在這幾天,連橫跨校園的自由都沒有. 台大資工的教授因此留一詩抗議. 標題是我加的, 原文出自此,我試譯如下[1]:

by Dr. Chi-Sheng (Daniel) Shih

Dear Visitors,The site is taken down as a way to humbly protest the lost of freedom of speech and Liberty in Taiwan.
親愛的訪客, 這個地方即日起關閉已示我個人最卑微的一種示威抗議.抗議台灣失去曾有的言論自由與自主. ....

If I have told you that Taiwan government works very hard to protect her people, I take it back. 如果我曾告訴你,台灣政府戮力保護人民,我現在收回那句話;

If I have told you that Taiwan is a democratic society, I take it back.

If I have told you that we can always complain the President in public, I take it back.

If I have told you that Taiwan is a nice place to visit, I take it back.
最後,如果我也曾告訴你,台灣是個可愛可以拜訪的國家, 我還是只能收回那句話.

Very soon, visiting Taiwan will just experience what you have in Mainland China.

[1] 昨天(11/6)與原作者取得連絡,得到他許可.特別感謝原作者大方出借此詩.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

