Monday, October 18, 2010

to readers of my blog entry "Mariinsky Orch/Gergiev" (updated on 11/2/2010)

因為去聽了音樂會,也寫了一點感想,竟然有些non-mandarin speaker的讀者被吸引到這裡. 許多還是透過google translate來讀我寫的.  某天好奇下我去按了那個google translate的連結,不按還好,一看發現錯誤連連,甚至有相反的.

我不確定我有責任,但我想澄清: 讀者如果從google translate閱讀而有所誤會的話,那跟我無關.

This is just a short note to readers, particularly non-mandarin speakers/readers, who came to read my blog entry about my review of the Mariinsky Orch/Gergiev held on 10/10/2010.

First of all, thank you for being my readers.  I noticed that quite a number of you attempted to read that blog entry via Google Translate.  While I admire your efforts and interest in that blog entry, I want to and need to say that:

DO NOT TRUST those translations.  This is why.

Out of curiosity, I clicked the link to Google Translate.  I was then taken by shock about those translations.  Some of them even went opposite to what I stated.  I am not commenting about the Google Translate as a tool.  But I just want to caution readers and bring to your attention that I am NOT responsible for the translated blog entry, for which can be, at best, misleading, and at worst, incorrect.  Let alone the grammatic errors and etc.  In fact, if you ever noticed, Google Translate even didn't get "Rachmaninoff" right. Instead, the name was bizzarely put as "Lahemanni Nove."  Such a mis-labeling of the artist name should be very suggestive.

Let me just give a couple of examples below.  Note that I only highlight (in red) the most absurd part of the particular translation.  Whatever not highlighted does not imply that the translation is correct. 

Example 1:  I totally don't understand what does it mean by "Although suspected of trespass".  This is what I meant by "misleading."

(Chinese original)
雖然有班門弄斧之嫌, 但音樂等藝術欣賞是很主觀的. 所以我還是大言不慚的講一下我的感想. 在上半場的部份, 除了偶爾,零星的時候讓我懷疑樂團太過激動外, 指揮大抵可以維持鋼琴和整個樂團平衡, 唯一可惜的是銅管樂器稍嫌突出, 帶有悽涼的感覺,不是很拉赫曼尼諾夫. 可能因為我不大能夠把拉氏的悲傷和悽涼做連結, 總覺得他的悲傷是病態的, 孤獨的, 但並不悽涼.

(what I really mean)
Running the risk of "preaching before a priest," I'd like to share my review of this concert for any art, including music, appreciation is subject to individual preference.  ....

(Google Translate)
Although suspected of trespass, but the music and art appreciation is very subjective. So I boasted about my feelings. In the first half part, except for the occasional, sporadic time for me to suspect that band too excited, the command probably can maintain the balance of the piano and the orchestra, the only pity is that brass instruments somewhat prominent, with a sad feeling, not very Lahemanni Ivanov. probably because I am not able to do Rumsfeld's sad and desolate link , always felt he was sick sad and lonely, but not bleak

Example 2:  This is what I meant by "incorrect" or "opposite to what I stated"...

(Chinese original)
或許我該順便提一下DG的感想.除了把Mariinsky Orch排在波士頓之前,這個音樂會比較立體,讓人從音樂中可以想像畫面.相對的明尼蘇達管絃樂團的演奏就比較平面,好像只是把曲目交代完畢而已. 至於鋼琴演奏的部份, Jean-Yves Thibaudet 似乎比Gergive 更厲害些. 不過也許是曲目不同也很難講

(what I really mean)
As far as the pianoist is concerned, Jean-Yves Thibaudet seems to be a better performer than Gergive.  For sure, such a preference is contingent on the program being played.

(Google Translate)
Maybe I should, by the way DG feelings. In addition to the Mariinsky Orch row in Boston, before comparing this concert stereo, people can imagine the picture from the music. Relative to the Minnesota Orchestra's performance is relatively flat, as if only the track complete account of it. As for the piano part, Jean-Yves Thibaudet seemed worse than Gergive more. but may be difficult to talk about the different tracks

==updated on 11/2/2010==
Google Translate takes on poetry
我只能說, 讀者自求多福吧! They cannot even get simple things done correctly!


Deadlockcp said...


我本來以為沒人會有興趣來看我的格文,結果我那篇有關法國鍵盤組曲的文章,居然也有人用google translator,而且我看一下,有些地方沒差點昏倒就不錯了。

GGs Adventure said...

我剛剛還發現一個更誇張的,還有人對我的各個分類tab用google trnaslator看,結果我那個"雙城居,大不易" 竟然是"Big Easy," 和我原來意思完全相反

而且,我不是已經發文說別相信google translator了嗎?怎麼還是有人要這樣來讀啊!! @@